5 Tips For Small Businesses: How To Stand Out


Starting a new business can be scary. Many small businesses will fail because they lack anything that makes them different from their competitors. Standing out from the competition is the most crucial to your small business’ success. While most people understand this concept, they will fail to put it into practice. 360 Web Designs is here to give you some tips to help you stand out from the flock.

  1. Start a Blog – Blogging is a great way to get your brand out there. For our clients, we stress the importance of doing regular blogs because it brings new content to their website. By giving an insightful blog about a subject somebody is interested in, they will organically find your site and learn something. Doing blogs about subjects related to your business is always best, but feel free to blog about whatever you like. Sometimes the quirkier, the better.
  2. Use Social Media – Another thing we stress to our clients is the ability to use Social Media. You don’t necessarily have to use every social media platform for your small business. Check out our blog about which social media is right for your business here. Social media is a great platform to get your voice heard. However, since everybody (and your mom) are using it, it might be hard to stand out in the crowd. Viral marketing is great, even if on a local scale. Get involved in local charity events to get some exposure, then share on social media to show that you are making a difference in the community. Do it regularly! People will admire your efforts, and not only will help your business but the community around you.
  3. Be Yourself! – Your business is just as unique as you are! Since many small businesses are just one person or a small group of people, you can let your personality be the defining factor in your business. There may be a ton of businesses offering the same services that you are, but you can do it better by being yourself and treating your clients like your best friends! By making friends with your clients, you will not only build relationships, but you will also build a clientele that will give back to you! If you put in the effort, people will acknowledge and reward you in kind. You can find more information about how to network in our blog: “Networking Matters – Connections In A Digital Age”.
  4. Create Fantastic Customer Service – No matter what kind of business, customer service is paramount. Give your customers and clients the best service you can from start to finish. If a mistake has been made, it is okay to own up to it. Most people prefer the truth over a lie. Just make sure to let them know you will rectify the situation immediately. Be prompt with meetings, and keep a contingency plan so you always know how to handle a situation. Doing so will show your preparedness and conviction.
  5. Innovation – If your services are the same as your competition, you also want to figure out your target audience. Allow that to become a niche market, and it will bring clients looking for something unique. It could be a unique product, service, or just the delivery of the proposal. Being quirky and unique is what makes small businesses better than a huge corporation! Huge corporations might try to appear like they are quirky, but they’ll never be on the level of personability, care, and attention that your small business can offer. Unique products and services have a charm that will never be fully tapped into by corporate markets. Find what makes your business as unique as you, and run with it!


360 Web Designs wants your small business to be successful. We do our best to give back to our clients and community by posting informational blogs that will help you on your journey. Feel free to look through the rest of our insightful blogs for tons of more information pertaining to subjects such as Web Development, Social Media Networking, Content Creation, and more!

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