5 Tips for Social Media Business Pages

In today’s tech-based world, social media has become the new-age way of marketing your business, services, and products. Maintaining current social media company pages is crucial for connecting with your audience and turning your followers into clients. We’ve compiled a few social media tips for you to improve your social media marketing game.


#1 – Maintain a steady look throughout your pages

Your brand should be memorable for your followers by using the same logo and header across all of your social media profiles.


#2 – Create a posting schedule

The key to social media success is regular, consistent posting. You don’t want your profiles to disappear in the feed because you haven’t posted anything in the last x number of days or weeks. If you want your posts to show up at the top of your follower’s news feeds, you need to post to your company page daily or a few times each week.


#3 – Post relevant content

Don’t post the same thing every time! Mix it up with blog posts, shared articles, images, products, behind-the-scenes photos, introduce your team, share links to your website, etc.


#4 – Engage with your audience

To drive more traffic to your profiles, make sure you are not only posting content, but also responding to comments and questions from your followers, liking and commenting on other’s posts and profiles, and following other pages that are relevant to your business.


#5 – Check on your social media statistics

Most social media platforms show statistics for each post, including the engagement and how many people your post reached. Check on these statistics and get informed about which posts get more views and engagement so you can monitor your success.


We hope these tips help you with your digital marketing strategy. 360 WEB DESIGNS offers social media marketing packages for busy business owners. Visit our website for more information.

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