5 Ways to Take Advantage of Major Events Like the Solar Eclipse

We all watched as the Solar Eclipse took our country by storm. This very exciting event gave us a reason to throw a party, travel, purchase souvenirs.  Some businesses were started just to take advantage of the rush. Even farmers were cashing in on turning their land into campgrounds.

With all the hype, it made me realize that I need to look for the next big event to promote my own business. My business does not even need to be related to the event! Here are some ideas on linking into a super natural happening, a sports event, or a cultural event.

Find events that relate to what you love, or relate to your business brand. It doesn’t have to relate directly, but if your business brand is all about comfort and calmness, you may want to look for events like the largest yoga conference in the world.

1. Be the Bridge

Use your website, blog or store front as a place for people to go for information. In your website and storefront, post dates, forms, and sell related products. Your blog is a great place to add a category for the event. Make sure you do the related SEO tagging to grab those searches.

2. Logo on a Product

In the last days before the solar eclipse, everyone was searching for those sun shade glasses. Businesses that had glasses created with their logo and handed out as giveaways ensured a long marketing cycle. Those glasses will be kept for many years to come. If you are hooking into that yoga conference that was a perfect fit, maybe there is an item that all the yoga enthusiasts would love to have, like a foam neck support, or a stretch strap.

3. Plan an event on Meet Up

The solar eclipse was a perfect reason to have like minded people meet up. In the case of the yoga event, many may not be able to attend the big conference. Create a Meet-Up and host a free yoga session. People WILL come, and love your business for putting on the event.

4. Send a gift to clients

If World Soccer is something you know many of your clients are into, send them a flag that has their team colors, and add your logo to the back. They will probably take the flag to the game and wave it for all to see. This can bring you closer to your customers, and isn’t that what it is all about?

5. Share related videos and products on Social Media

In addition to the above ideas, use your social media apps to create a buzz. Share related videos, or your own videos of your employees doing a related activity. Customers love to see employees having fun, or being pampered.

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