Simple Tips to Improve Website Design #2 – Getting Rid of clutter

Getting rid of clutter. It can be very easy to be visually overloaded a page with too many images to the point where our brains stop processing information when confronted with too many options. This is called – information overload.

To keep visitors on your site, we want to laser focus the call-to-action and not create visual clutter by overloading the page with too many graphics, photographs or animation that could draw the visitor’s eyes away from the most important part of the page. To further keep clutter down on landing pages, we need to consider limiting the number of links and options in the header and footer to narrow the focus even further.

Another tip to streamlining pages by keeping the paragraphs short – no more than five to six lines.

Please contact 360 Web Designs, if you would like us to review your website design and layout.

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