What is SEO?

Are you wondering, what is SEO and why does my website need it? This is a very important question!

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. While social media and other online marketing strategies are important for promoting your business, SEO is the most important to your website because search engines are the primary method of internet use for most users. SEO helps your website get indexed and ranked in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and more.

Standard SEO is included with every website package we offer. Our SEO specialist reviews your entire website after it’s completed and ready for launch and creates a list of keywords and phrases unique to your business and niche.

seo, what is seo, search engine optimization, 360 web designs, search engines, google

These keywords are implemented on:

  • each page
  • blog posts
  • services/products
  • images
  • videos
  • testimonials
  • sliders
  • team pages
  • and more!

We also offer SEO packages for existing websites that aren’t getting the return on investment they’d hoped.

Are you using the right SEO on your website? For more information about search engine optimization, speak to our SEO specialist by calling the 360 WEB DESIGNS office. The number can be found at the top of our website.

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