Video Testimonial


Video Testimonial and Review management companies are popping up everywhere. Since Google now uses algorithms to rank sites based on reviews, it has become a BIG business. Boast notes some stats why:

  • 65% of your audience are visual learners (WebDAM)
  • Website visitors are 64% more likely to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video (ComScore)
  • Website visitors who view video stay on a website an average of 2 minutes longer than those who don’t view videos (ComScore)

Getting Started

Getting started means that you need to decide what format you are going to attain your video reviews. You can use YouTube, or there are other apps that can get your employees to do some marketing for the company. Reviewing right after the job is complete is a great way to get your testimonials documented quickly.

So Tell Us is a video testimonial app that gets your happy customers speaking on the spot. You can have the videos approved and on your website and social media within minutes. 360 WEB DESIGNS has a package that can help you get your team started with this app. Give us a call today.

Once you get the app up and running, there are ways to get the most out of the interview.

When Interviewing

Unrehearsed reviews come out more authentic and believable. When is the best time to document how a customer responds to your product? Immediately after you complete the projector as soon as they receive and try out the product.

Getting relaxed review captures is important. Editing after the interview is over will allow you to get the best “take”.

Wistia has an article about video interviewing.

“When shooting unscripted videos, letting the camera run and editing later tends to be the best way to go. Ask the subject to repeat what they were saying if there were stumbles, noises, or misspeaks, but otherwise, keep the conversation rolling and allow plenty of time for people to warm up. Matera uses a “trial ending,” saying something like, “You did great, that wasn’t too bad, was it?” After that, the person will completely relax and you’ll get some of your best content from the casual interaction that follows.”

I hope this post has been helpful. 360 WD is all about helping find and implement the best marketing tools for your individual business. Keep an eye out for my next post, as there is likely to be more tips on this topic.



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