5 Key Areas to a Visual Identity and Branding Consultation

Your visual identity and brand is one of the most important marketing tools a business can have. It is the first impression and a lasting impression. If the branding is not clear  (the services, mission and values) within a minute of going to a website, or looking at a business card or brochure, the customer could be lost. Attention spans are short, but viewers are savy these days. They know within seconds if you are organized; have similar values; project a professional status. I suggest doing a mini audit of your current identity every few years. Here are 5 key areas you will want to check during a consultation:

Logo – Is it current and conveying the company stance?

Website  – Is it updated, and using best coding practices for security? Sometimes it is more cost effective to have a new site with new plugins that can easily be updated, than to save money by keeping your outdated website.

Mission Statement and Content – Does it really reflect the company’s current values? Choose words carefully on ALL marketing materials. Start by putting together your most true mission statement, and use those ideals in every piece of content you create for your business card, brochures, website, social media, and images.

Website SEO – Are you getting the kind of customers you seek? Is your search rankings where you’ve aimed for?

Social Media – Is your content reflecting the brand?

A Visual Identity Package can have a number of items included in it.

Business Name Consult – includes domain search and trademark name search

Color Consult – symbolism and color palette suggestions

Mission Statement – similar company values comparison

Key Phrases – core phrases research

Symbol research – icon style research

A branding consultation with 360 WEB DESIGNS is custom formulated for your individual needs. It is a service we offer to help clients develop the areas of their brand that are either incomplete, or non-existent. 


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