The 360 Web Design Process

Are you unsure of what to expect when contemplating a new website design? Web companies differ in their process, depending on what they specialize in, the size of their business, and their professional standards. Expect to sit with a representative and talk about your business goals and how you see your online marketing working for you. It is standard to receive a proposal outlining what the web company could do, and a basic timeline approximation for work completion. Make sure you always get a contract before giving a payment or deposit. Contracts make you aware of what to expect, and hold both the client and the web company accountable for product and timeline.

When a business owner needs web help, 360 WEB DESIGNS will do the following:

  • Meet with business owner and discuss their marketing needs
  • Research similar businesses and their websites
  • Create a proposal based on the clients needs
  • Meet with client and present proposal and answer questions

After contract signing, 360 WEB DESIGNS will do the following:

  • Send the client a questionnaire to fill out
  • When questionnaire is returned, team starts on the design mock-ups
  • Mock-ups are reviewed and discussed – one or a combination of two are chosen to move forward with
  • Create and invite the client to a folder for content to be placed.
  • If the client has purchased a content package, the photographer, graphic artist, or writer conducts a client interview

I hope this helps alleviate anxiety about approaching a web designer. 360 WEB DESIGNS has been around for over 13 years. We are a trusted company that makes great websites and content for businesses looking to take their company to the next level.


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