5 Questions a Web Development Company Always Gets Asked

As a web development company, we are asked many questions related to the internet and how it works. Keeping our blog simple and easy to understand is high on our priority list. We want clients to have information at their fingertips to better grasp the how and whys of their website.  Here are 5 of the most frequent questions we get asked by business owners.

1. Why is my site not getting hits?Search Engine optimization, SEO, 360 Web Designs, Search Engine Optimization

There are a number of factors in why people are not making it to your site. Here are a few.

  • Your website is not getting ranked high enough by search engines. This could be because you are using the most popular meta keywords. There are only 10 places on the top of the search list, and the most trusted websites are getting those spots using the most popular keywords. Start using more out of the ordinary key phrases; a bit more lengthy key phrases, and keep adding variations of those phrases in your content.
  • If your site is under a year old, you still may have some growing to do. Keep up on the tips we give to move up in the rankings.
  • Google likes good content. You not only need to have enough content on a page, it needs to be good content, with hot keywords and information about the page topic.
  • Are you using other means to get traffic? Today’s world has new marketing tools that businesses should be using if they care at all about traffic to their site. Networking and handing out the trusty business card or postcard with your web link on it will get things started. Social Media is hot, and you really could learn a few things from a 20 something about connecting. Look at other companies who are high in rankings, and like, follow, or just see what they are doing on their site. They may be writing blogs, or have a big Facebook following.

2. How much does it cost for a new site?

Proposals are created after spending time with each client, listening to their online marketing needs and making suggestions. Our free consultation will tell us if the business needs to sell products online, have a portal, number of pages, level of feature complexity, or if a logo is needed… Each and every business is different. There is not a price list that we can give out for our custom sites. We are happy to meet with our potential customers and help them define their website needs.

3. What are the most important pages to have on my website?

There are pages that make for simple customary navigation. The Home, About, Services, and Contact pages are the usual core.  These help a viewer quickly assess where they are and where they want to go. Google sees and likes when a user goes to multiple pages on a site, so a “call to action” button, form, or link should steer users to other pages once they have found the home page.  They are all important, but I will break down my list to the three most important pages. The home page is your online interactive business Card. Got to have it. Your Services page tells the customer what you sell. Got to have it. And the Contact page gets you the user’s email. This is the jewel. The Home page and Services should lead you to getting that Contact form filled out.

4. What is the difference between web hosting and a web domain?

Domain is the NAME of your site. Web hosting companies rent out space to store data and files. Web Hosting Secrets Revealed breaks it down a bit more for you.

5. Should I have a Blog page on my site?

A blog is one of the best and inexpensive ways to get “Al” (google ALgorithm) to notice you.

Create a blog if you can:

  • Spend the time to create good content for a blog or can spend the money to hire a blogger to do the work for you
  • Consistently post each day, week or month


Send us questions!  At 360 WEB DESIGNS we want to help.

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