Elements of a Logo Stylesheet

If you are having your logo designed by a professional, a Logo Stylesheet with the following elements will solidify the brand. If they do not offer it, ask if they can provide one.


Of course you want to show the logo, and write out any do’s and don’ts related to the way this logo should be layed out.


Rules for white space around your logo is important because a non-designer will often put the logo too close to other items on a page.

CMYK and Pantone colors

This is helpful if you get a new designer/printer who wants to use the correct colors for other design elements for marketing materials.


Saves the designer time. It is such a hassle to go searching for the matching font.

Designer Contact Information

The original designer may be willing to help if more information is needed.


Patterns that go along with the brand create a cohesive look for all marketing elements.

Matching Icons/Symbols

In the Maxim Janitorial brand, a separate icon of the bridge, the star, and a few cleaning tools, like a brush or broom that match the design will help for future design projects.



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