Developing a Brand – Massage Therapy

Sharing this recent branding job story with you is a way to give you an idea of how serious we are about our client’s brand. Making sure they are well represented in this new world of online marketing, as well as traditional marketing methods is one of 360 WD’s strongest values.

Visual Identity Audit

Currently a massage therapist who is looking to expand her brand came to us for help. We started from the beginning with an audit of what she currently had, listing her services with her current or old logo and printed marketing materials look like. We talked about her philosophy and what she would like her clients to feel when they see her product for marketing materials. With this particular client we even were looking at a new business name. Information was gathered about available names with the keywords which best described the business and looked for domains that were available with the appropriate keywords. Domain names came down to a list to three or four. After checking the US trademark website the list of names were complete, and the client made the final choice.

Once all the naming was decided, and domain names purchased, we moved on to the logo, website, business cards, and brochures.

Logo and Print Marketing Materials

The logo was broken into parts. First, a special symbol representing calm, healing hands was created. This led to the design of the business name. Choosing what symbol and font style is at the core of an effective brand.

Carrying the brand across all marketing materials, from business card to brochures and banners gives the potential customer the confidence that the company is professional and serious about their business. Our policy is to give the client the best set of design choices without overwhelming them.


Since this client did not feel confident writing her own content, we had a rider that was able to interview her and complete the page is needed for the website. The writer worked with our client to dig into her business brand for content that best represented the new direction.

The website needed to be current, with images of relaxed patients getting treatment. We carried the brand throughout the site with matching icons and symbols.

Currently our websites are sold with Level 1 SEO. This includes key phrases and descriptions for all pages and images. Level 2 and 3 packages are available for those ready to move further in their online marketing.

Business Card and Brochure

Again, the brand is so important that we go back-and-forth a few times, revising, to keep the consistency and a cohesive look. Since the writer had created the text for the service pages, it was a no-brainer to use that text for the brochure. Consistency is key. The client was very involved in communicating back-and-forth with us on a daily and weekly basis to finalize all that was needed. In this particular case, the clients old brochure was showing different services and prices than her new services. We had to confirm which services would be moving forward with her new brand, and which ones would die for lack of desire.


Tune in for a re-cap of this story, with final designs and a link to the new site.




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