What Goes Into a Two-Sided Print Brochure?

A two-sided brochure has less space than a tri-fold brochure. It is a simple, larger than life Business card with extended information that correlates with what is on the website. It can lead new customers to the website for more service or product details.

With any brochure, you want to get specific messages across to your audience.

  • send readers to a website for more information
  • give contact info including an email, phone and address
  • introduce a topic
  • answer frequently asked questions
  • product information and pricing

On the front of a two-sided brochure is the logo, and contact text. The contact information differs from your business card in that your business card is for a particular employee of the company, and the brochure is a reflection of what the company offers. So the brochure contact information should be a more generalized phone number and email to the business.

Also on the front, should also be a short paragraph about what the company stands for and what the product is. This content should be very tight with the key words that were used in the website. It should quickly lead to the services on the back. Depending on the amount of copy, some services or pricing may need to be shown on the front of the brochure.

On the back side of the brochure, is a complete list, with paired down text about each of the services and the price of each service. A testimonial is a nice addition, as it gives the company credibility.

The open space should be filled with icons and colors that extend the brand and give the sense that this business is professional and consistent.

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