I Am Thankful

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.

~ Oprah Winfrey

The World

Sex scandals and nuclear threats make it hard to concentrate on good coming out of the world, but it IS there. People and businesses are coming together to rebuild lives torn from attacks and disasters. Scientists seem to be close to a drug that treats Autism and enzymes that could reverse Alzheimer’s memory loss. The ozone layer is repairing itself. The giant panda is no longer an endangered species. The Ocean Clean Up project is moving forward to clean plastics out of our oceans.


In our business lives, we have much to be thankful for; finding new awesome clients; a new product that is selling like hotcakes; an employee that makes you smile each day. This year has brought a major change to our business, with the partnering of Frei Graphics & Illustration, and 360 WEB DESIGNS. The owner of 360WD, Charles Donaldson, is a phenomenal web developer and salesperson who treats the people around him like family. He is always looking for ways to refer other businesses and collaborate on design projects. This partnership has pushed me forward in the referral networking arena. Just this year, meeting such sincere and likeable business owners has been a blessing. In the past, I spent most of my time in the studio, calling on repeat clients, which I love as well, and continue to work with. My new referral group has taken the business to a new level, expanding our sales force tenfold. It is also a pleasure to work with smart Project Assistants at 360WD who work diligently at whatever I ask of them. The partnership has given me an ever expanding group of new friends that we happen to do business with.


Two college students grace us with their presence once in a while as they search for their calling in life. My motherly pride sees the thoughtful, independent women they are becoming. I hope they find passion and inspiration in whatever they do.

Last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for a loving husband, and a relationship that has lasted, of course with ups and downs, for over 26 years. With a passion in his heart, my husband seeks out ways to do all the special things for his family that no one notices. He wants his family to be safe and feel loved. And we do.

A Wish For You

Love and family come in many different packages. Seek out and spend time with those you care about. Call, write, post or drop in on someone that has made a difference in your life. Seek out old and new relationships and create new memories. Gather them all in for a big hug.

Thanks! –Annette

From Charles, Annette, and Rose at 360 WEB DESIGNS, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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