#1 of the Top 10 Web Design Trends for 2018

The 360 Web Design’s team is passionate about understanding and apply the latest website design trends and technologies. This obsession drives our creative group to continue to design and develop high-quality websites that incorporate appropriate technologies and designs to prove the maximum online success for our clients. We know that your website can be the first impression a potential client may have with your business, so we want our clients to have the latest and greatest website.

Design Trend #1:

Flat Design

2017 had designers and developers creating clean and simple websites to improve mobile performance. Mobile users are looking for sites to load quickly so image-heavy were out. The number of people conducting their searches on smartphones has and will continue to rise considerably. It has gone from being desirable to being a necessity. According to Google, if a website loads slowly and causes frustration then the user is 40% more likely to not return and instead visit a competitor’s site.

Flat design doesn’t translate to boring, but instead, it is clutter-free and focusing on the more important parts of your delivering your message and delivering better usability. Applying bright colors, crisp and clean edges, and more open space will not only improve the loading time but can also create a less distracting and more resolute website.

Replacing high-resolution pictures and graphics with smaller illustrations and simple imagery along with sans-serif fonts can produce a beautiful eye-catching and engaging site that delivers an excellent user experience. This data-light, faster loading designs make page speed and optimization considerably faster which translate to Google, Yahoo and Bing to be a more desirable website and helps earn better ranking scores.

A properly laid out “Flat” design will improve both the users and the search engines experience!

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