Don’t let your website go Cold Turkey! 5 Signs Your Website Is Outdated

5 Signs Your Website Is Outdated

  • It’s One Page

    In terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) value, having only one page on your website will make it pretty hard if not impossible to rank in Google search results. The more pages you have translated into more content for Google to scan, more opportunities to insert relevant keywords, and more places to include outbound links to other reputable sources

  • A Sudden Drop in Organic Traffic

    If you notice that your website traffic has taken a plunge, then it is time to do a technical audit of your site. Is it taking a long time for pages to load, for example? Things like cheap hosting services, oversized images, inefficient code, embedded media, and browser plugins can all negatively impact load time. All of this will frustrated users and earn your website a penalty from Google. Other factors such as internal 404 errors or broken outbound links can have the same effect.

  • You Haven’t Updated Content in More Than Two Months

    Google looks for fresh content when it re-crawls a site; it likes to see that a website is growing with new pages and blog posts — and prioritizes search rankings accordingly… so post regularly! To Google, every blog post is seen as adding a new page to your website.

  • There are Music and/or Cartoons

    Since a majority of people conduct their web searches from their work computers – silence is golden. Have you ever opened a web page and been bombarded by an auto-playing video ad in the sidebar? It can be loud, jarring, and, alert their boss that they are web surfing instead of working. While multimedia features like music and moving graphics may seem like they’re showing off how dynamic your website is, more often than not, they’re actually quite distracting for the user.

  • Your Website is not Mobile Friendly

    This multi-device compatibility is not the next frontier; it’s an essential component to any modern website. Consider that in 2014 mobile devices officially overtook desktops for web consumption and a year later Google began rewarding mobile-friendliness with an SEO boost. Mobile friendly is more than your site showing on your smartphone. It must be designed specifically for mobile devices. Often you hear the term “Responsive”, which means the website responses to and re-formats itself to work intelligently depending on the size of window or screen.

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