Tribute to BNI Mid-Day Referral

Quite a year it has been! At 360 WEB DESIGNS so much has happened. Charles and I both joined new BNI networking groups and not only has it been great for business, but it has also been a joy. Gaining the trust of other business owners, and helping them market their business online gives us great pride. I wanted to take a moment to write a tribute to my Mid-Day referral group. Please read it in the holiday spirit and know that the spirit of Givers Gain is in my heart. – Annette

The Week Before Christmas at the BNI Mid-Day Referral

It was the week before Christmas and all through the bay

most companies were working throughout the day;

The BNI meetings going dark here and there,

But members still referring with oh so much care.


The newest members hope they would see

a new year with double the TYFCB

With Gena in Cabi, and Lynn in Hilbern

The year had just taken its last fiscal turn


When out on the green arose such a clatter

Chairs push out to see whats the matter.

Away to the window, we flew like a flash,

to see that the sky was flowing with cash.


Dollars and Bens and Ulysses S. Grant

The Mid-Day members started to chant

Bring dollar! and cent! and make it appear!

And make it continue throughout the next year!


Referrals galore, Levels one, two and three;

have given each owner such a vision to see.

Lawyers and Solar, and Chiropractic

So much giving is what makes us tick.


Now Logan! Now Gini! Now Conor and Breck!

So many meetings it was hard to keep check.

Our numbers have grown from a few to us all.

Other chapters dream to be a fly on our wall.


One million, two million. What’s our next goal?

It grows when we throw a chip in the bowl.

Givers Gain is the point that leads us to thrive

To bring in new business it what we must strive.


So, Hank Sullivan, you ol’ sun of a gun;

To stay for so long it must be much fun.

Tell us your secret to stay here so long

Give us your coaching and we’ll follow along.


In the small room that the chapter outgrew

Each of our members remains and renew

For all the hard work and leads, we did make

It’s the friends that my mind can’t seem to shake.


And when the year’s over and December is gone

It is the spirit of giving that I know I have won.

So thanks to you all, and all a good night,

My BNI family! You have made my life bright.

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