Sales Tax Q and A eCommerce Products

This new age of online product sales is upon us. Many of you are already on the bandwagon and selling your product. One area that questions often arise is about sales tax on ecommerce products. Included here are links to tax guides and plugins to help your business wade through the murky waters of the online sales tax issues.

Does My Business Have to Pay Sales Tax?


The Basics of Sales Tax in the US – A page to begin your research on web sales by TaxJar. has a 50 State Guide to Sales Tax

What is the average Sales Tax in each state of the U.S.?

PayPal gives a list of states and their averaged state sales tax. This was calculated from millions of transactions with thousands of merchants.


How Do I Add Tax Rates to My WooCommerce Products?

Directly from WooCommerce, this page has a video and easy to follow directions on how to add the tax rates to WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Plugin That Takes Care of Ever Changing Tax Codes

TaxJar gives a list of states that do add Sales Tax on shipping – CA is not one of themTaxJar – Sales Tax Automation for WooCommerce – Save hours every month by putting your sales tax on autopilot.

The Basics of Sales Tax in the US – A page to begin your research on web sales by TaxJar.

What Is My Nexus?

From TaxJar – Sales Tax Guide For PayPal “Determining Sales Tax Nexus
Online sellers must collect sales tax in states or localities where they have “sales tax nexus.”
While all states have a slightly different definition of this term, sales tax nexus is generally defined as “presence” in a state. This presence must be significant enough so that a business has to comply with the state’s sales tax law
Presence can include – but is not limited to – an office, an employee or a warehouse.
If you have sales tax nexus in a state that requires sales tax collection, then you’re required to collect sales tax from all buyers in that state, regardless from where the item is shipped.
If you do not have sales tax nexus in a state, then you’re not required to collect sales tax when you sell online to buyers in that state (regardless from where the item is shipped).”



Although 360 WEB DESIGNS carries no liability for taxes or sales tax on the products you sell, we want to help you stay informed by giving you educational materials to give you the best start in online product sales. Make sure you Follow us for other helpful articles related to online marketing.



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