Tools of eCommerce Best For My WordPress Website?

When starting an eCommerce business, there is some investigating that needs to happen. If your website is WordPress, there are many tools at your service. Here are just a few that may apply to your business.

WordPress has many plugins that work extremely well.

What If My Customers Don’t Want To Use PayPal Only?

Braintree, owned by PayPal, is a payment gateway that gives your business extra features while still keeping it simple. It accepts Credit and Debit cards on your site, as well as PayPal. You will need a merchant account with a bank for this.

Sales Tax Calculations Automated

With a different sales tax amount for every state and county, knowing what to charge can be a tedious and frustrating experience. TaxJar is a recommended tool for automating this process. It keeps track and updates all the U.S. sales tax rates for you.

WooCommerce Pre-Orders

Do you have a product that is not ready to send out, but you are getting requests for pre-orders? Do you run out of stock on certain holiday items? It would be nice to give loyal customers a chance to get to the head of the line. This Pre-Order plugin has the ability to do the following.


  • Set an optional date/time when the product will be available
  • Automatically charge orders when the product is available
  • Change the release date for a pre-ordered product
  • Email all customers who pre-ordered a product
  • Cancel pre-orders if the product is no longer available
  • Filter your pre-orders with a custom “pre-order” order status
  • Works with simple & variable products
  • Optionally charge a fee for a pre-order
  • Customize the Add to Cart/Place Order buttons for pre-orders

*Not compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions

Source:  woocommerce-pre-orders

WooCommerce Subscriptions


  • Subscription Management
  • Synchronised Payments
  • Flexible Product Options
  • Subscription Coupons
  • Variable Subscriptions
  • Subscriber Account Management
  • Upgrades/Downgrades
  • Multiple Subscriptions
  • Customer Emails

WooCommerce Subscriptions


With new plug-ins coming out every day, almost anything is possible. Weighing the costs of yearly or monthly fees against the income from your sales is important. Other associated costs include Plug-in install and set up, maintenance (updating by your web developer is important because self updating can cause other issues in your site), and the cost of the learning curve to get you up to speed. Be prepared to dive in and learn the product so you get the most out of it. These tools can be great additions to your online income.

360 WEB DESIGNS is here to help you with all your web needs. Drop us a note or give us a call today.

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