Video and Animation on Websites

Get used to it. Creating and placing eye catching elements to your site is important. Stagnant pages with simple photos and text look dated and viewers have savvy eyes, even when they don’t understand why they are not attracted to a site. They will click away to a new site very quickly if the site is not well designed. Good design includes knowing how, when and where to place Gifs, fades and swipes, and videos. A continually bouncing animation will annoy users just the same.

Why Use Video and Animation on Websites

What do websites do for us? They tell us a story, sell a product, give inspiration. Many think that web design is just about text, coding and color design, but these days, it also includes strategically leading the consumer through the story, to the product, and invoking a feeling. There is purpose in those fades, swipes and Gifs. Look at how popular You Tube has become. Mini movies are everywhere. We encourage our clients to use motion for marketing, as it is one of the tools in the online arsenal.


Video For Marketing

Body Shops, proud of the repaired cars they complete, are a great example of a type of business that would do well to use video to help sell their product. Customers are intrigued to see the process the final finishes. Would your customers like to see what you do?


Different Kinds of Animation

Transitional Animation: We are so used to it now that most don’t even realize it is happening. When you go into a website, often, the first thing that happens is an image appears, usually sliding in, bouncing down, fading… A scroll down will bring more elements in from the side. When you click a button, it looks like it is depressing into the page. These are created using coding and simple graphics, and are used to keep the user engaged.

Logo Gifs animate the logo just enough to bring attention to the Brand. This animation must be carefully thought out and must reflect the company vision. If you have an animation that is bouncing like a ball, but you are a massage company, the user will get mixed messages about whether the site is supposed to relax or excite.

Infographic animations can help tell a story or relay information better than a static image. Showing steps one at a time, or highlighting points can bring clarity at a quicker pace.

Do I Need a Professional?


For animation you should always hire an Illustrator or Animator. Timing, graphics, and telling the story are a skill best left to the professional.

For video, you should think about utilizing casual videos taken from your phone. These can be used in your social media pages, and even as a Vlog (video blog). And hiring a professional to create an edited 30 to 90 second video is a great way to capture attention right away.


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