Top Website Elements Is Your Website Doing the Heavy Lifting?

Right this minute someone is out there searching for your company. Can they find you? And if they find you, will you be everything they hoped you’d be?

Time is always moving on, and so are customers if a site is lacking in great elements.

Think about your own site with fresh eyes. Does it have all the fundamentals of what a site needs to keep customers engaged? The first step is to keep them immersed and lead them to the subject matter they are looking for.

1. First Impressions

  • Do you know what the site is about? Potential clients may choose another site if they don’t understand what the site is selling within 10-20 seconds.
  • Is contact information clear and easy to find? The phone number should always be at the top in plain view.
  • Are the images telling you what the company does or sells? A large slide show with bold text showing the services and products will keep viewers engaged.
  • Are there appropriate transitions? With care, animations and transitions make a site look current and keep attention.
  • Is there a video? People stay engaged with videos. A 90 second clip can tell a story.
  • Is the color palette appropriate for the business, and is it consistent? Repetition of color, pattern and images that represent, are the key to great branding.
  • Does the site appear current? Latest trends in transitions, design, and content give a professional appearance.
  • Is the site color blind appropriate? Be aware of some of the common disabilities your customers may have.
  • Does your site lead to other marketing materials? Links to coupons within the site or with 3rd Party companies are great Call To Action items.

2. Content

  • Is there bold, easy to read text highlighting services and products?
  • Is the copy easy to read and understand?
  • Is the writing and photography following the brand style guide?
  • Does the copy have searchable keywords and phrases that will lead users to your site? Make a list of keywords, then use them throughout your pages.
  • Does your text look professional? Remember to hire professionals. Professional writers can help lead your customers to buy.

3. Function

  • Call to Actions
  • Buttons and Links
  • Sliders
  • Database
  • Blog and Facebook Feed
  • Secure Forms
  • Portfolios
  • Sharing

4. Search-ability

  • On page SEO
  • Page Description
  • Keywords
  • Image Description and Keywords

5. Upgrades

  • Webinars – Bring people in by offering free webinars. The sign up can be within your site, or a third-party app.
  • Downloadable articles, podcasts, and lists can be an added feature that allows users to take content with them.
  • Upgrade your pdf forms to online forms. Search Engines can’t read pdfs.

Investing in your company is going to bring you more quality business. Upgrading your site will bring a return on investment by giving you a professional look, with features that engage, and SEO tools to get search engines working for you. 360 WEB DESIGNS builds the highest quality WordPress websites in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are here to help companies reach into the digital age and grab the business waiting there.






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