Keeping Your Business Alive with Social Media

Everyone wants their business to succeed and grow. Today we will see how social media contributes to the growth and expansion of your business.


All on Square One

  • Social media levels the playing field for many businesses. Why? It’s free! No matter how deep your competitors’ pockets are you all start from square one.
  • How you post, the content of the post, and how often you post, all contribute to the success of your business.
  • The more you use social media, the more your presence will spread to potential customers.

Planting a Seed

  • Social media also allows the business to capture new customers. Posting updates on your social media keeps content new and fresh. It is then viewed by many potential customers, who previously, had known nothing about you. They can see what you offer, and instantaneously share your feeds with others.
  • Many times a post on your media is taken as a point of interest and not as an advertisement. Many will ignore ‘the ad on the TV’, or the ‘billboard on the side of the road.’ However, with social media, it is easier to capture potential customers’ attention, without viewing it as bothersome.

Staying Connected

  • Good open communication is vital for a business to grow and expand. Having social media allows this relationship with your customers to be more open and regular. For example, if someone posts a complaint about your product or service, you are the first notified and can be the first person to respond! How reassuring it is for other customers to see that you take an interest in their concerns and respond appropriately.
  • Social media keeps you connected on a consumer level. Posting is good but seeing what others post is even better. Regularly checking your customer’s posts keeps you in the loop of what the new rage is, who is excited over what, and what your competitors are posting. Having this access allows you to improve your marketing for your target audience.

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