8 Reasons NOT to Use a Bidding Company for Logo and Web Design

Over the past few years, online companies have been popping up offering design work through a bidding process. Often they ask the person needing a logo, graphic, or website design, to outline company needs and then they get bids and designs to show. The client then looks at all the designs / bids and choose the one they want.

Here are just a few of the reasons to NOT use these sites for your company.

  1. It is highly likely that someone else with also have the same logo or web design.
  2. The owner could get fined if someone else claims that the designs are being used unlawfully. Another business may have already trademarked the design.
  3. These designs are usually not professionally designed by someone who is adequately educated in the trade.
  4. Local designers cannot compete with these graphic mills that are usually promoting from other countries. Living in a country that has a much lower cost of living than in California or even the rest of the U.S. allows them to bid much lower for the same job. This is robbing the next generation of designers here.
  5. This is promoting shady business practices. How would you like to give your work out on “spec” only to find out they had 20 other companies doing the same? This is pitting designers against each other to out bid at prices that are not even minimum wage.
  6. Once the designs are out there, what will stop companies from pirating the work even if they are not the chosen one? “Real” designers do not do work for these companies.
  7. Print ready files are often not given to the client. It is not unusual that I get design work that has to be re done because of this.
  8. You have great designers here in the bay area. They are educated in how to best design for companies, and the work is personal. Find someone reputable and they will help you with so much more than just the logo or web design. They can become your brand advisor.

360 WEB DESIGNS and Annette Frei Graphics can create professional marketing materials that attract quality customers to your business using best industry practices and competitive pricing.

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