3 Reasons To Maintain Your Website

This winter, 360 Web Designs will give you 3 reasons why you should always keep your website maintained and updated. Don’t let your website freeze to death! (Figuratively speaking, of course.)

Website Updates Boost Rankings!

Blogs are a great way to have fresh new content on your website. By updating your website with new content, you are encouraging search engines to visit your site. This will help boost your rankings in your search. If the website hasn’t been updated in a while, the search engines will quit crawling it and your rankings may begin to drop. Doing a weekly blog is a simple way to create fresh content for websites. In WordPress, it’s easy to write a blog. You can even schedule a blog to post at a future date. This allows you to set up content in advance, so there’s no stress when things get busy. Regularly publishing blogs on industry trends or upcoming events will tell visitors they are on an active website. Whenever possible, update content on other pages as well, such as new gallery photos.

Website Upkeep Protects!

Keeping fresh content on your website is important, but so is updating your website. Think of it like car maintenance, if you want to keep the car running, you need to get the oil changed and tires rotated. By taking the car in, a mechanic may also find other potential problems in your vehicle. The same thing can be said for a website. For example, clients on our monthly maintenance plan get frequently updated on the newest version of WordPress and plugins, which helps keep their websites more secure from hackers. We check in on our client’s websites regularly to see if the content has been updated, or needs an SSL. Having an SSL is important to website visitors. If the site is not secure, they may not even visit your site, for fear of being hacked.

Website Optimization Creates Efficiency!

Write website content with search engine optimization in mind. Google’s Keyword Planner is a free tool you can use to plug in keywords relevant to your site. This will help choose which keywords to select for your site and which keywords to avoid. Adding these keywords to the appropriate pages will communicate what you are selling to customers. By using the right keywords, Google will recognize and target potential customers and bring them to your website. Test keywords out on a page, then wait a few days. Then, Check Google Analytics and see if more traffic was brought to that page. If the page has more traffic, then chances are the keywords are helping. If it stays the same or gets worse, try different keywords.

Keeping your website updated and maintained will make your website work its best! 360 Web Designs understands your busy and hectic schedule, so we offer many of these services, such as blog writing, SEO implementation, website maintenance, custom websites, and more! Feel free to check out our previous blog posts for more tips on how to improve your website!

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