Logo Design 101: Creating An Effective Logo



The dictionary definition of a logo is that it is a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc. But it is a lot more than that. We as people can judge something as warm and welcoming to cold and untrustworthy just by its color alone. So it is important to pay very careful attention to details when it comes to defining your company and what you represent. Often, a logo will be a company’s first impression and will be one of the most important cues to a customer on whether or not they should do business with you.


So today, 360 Web Designs would like to share some tips on how to make a great looking logo, and help give your business an extra edge in the market!


1. Simple and Clean

Flat design is very popular nowadays within the worldwide web. Flat design involves many sharp edges and bold coloring and is very minimalist. This kind of design may be a bit simple, usage of clean space and no clutter is essential for user experience. Flat design helps a user guide their way through your site without any confusion on what to click on. As such, your logo should also follow a similar design. It will give your logo a cleaner shape and help it be more memorable to your audience when they see your branding. This leads on to the second point…


2. Memorability

A logo with less clutter on it will be more easily rememberable. This is very important for a modern time where the fast pace of everyday life can make it hard for us to remember anything. The average attention span for people in 2015 was recorded at 8.25 seconds! So when making your logo, cut out any unnecessary parts of your design that may distract from your company name or initials.


3. Timeless Design

Say you already have a logo that had been working great for you for about ten years now: great! But having that said, what makes an effective logo a decade ago may not be the same case now. Trends change and the idea of aesthetics changes over time with different cultures and groups. Make sure that your current logo or soon to be logo is able to stand out within the many other brands out there. If you’re looking to find a way to brand your company identity, 360 Web Designs is here to help you out!


4. Versatility

Henna Ray at Design Hill says that a company’s logo design is used on various marketing strategies. Logo design can go on media attachments as large as billboards to as small as your business card. It must look good at any scalable size and be clear and easy to see from a distance if required. This only adds on to the benefits of having a simple logo or brand which will not end up looking jumbled when your audiences glance over it.


5. Appropriateness

Lastly, make sure your logo is designed with the intention of gathering the audience you wish to obtain. Don’t use a bubbly font and rainbow colors if your audience has been researched to be more attracted to stoic and straighter designs. Make sure to create a logo that will shine with your target customers.



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