Teacher Appreciation Week! E-Learning Resources

This week, 360 Web Designs is celebrating teachers from around the world!


Just as the Gutenberg printing press brought a new era of mass communication to Europe, the internet has bridged access to knowledge across the world. We have a lot to learn from each other, but we also have things we can contribute to the pool of information as well.


Educational sites to help boost that brain power

Many of us don’t have enough time to learn in the traditional classroom. Perhaps the classes are too far away, or they’re at an inconvenient time. Maybe the next available school to you just doesn’t have what you’re looking for. But with the world wide web comes the advantage of being able to learn online. This allows you to choose the courses you want and take them the times you have available in your schedule. Here are some sites that promote personal growth and learning that anyone can use:

(Also so all of you teachers out there can take a well-earned nap)


Alison is a site filled with free courses you can learn on your own time. That’s right, for free! They offer many subjects that range from technology to learning food safety. There are many certification training courses you can find on this site as well.


While not all of Coursera’s courses are free, many of them are. Coursera is connected to many universities and organizations to allow others to access their school’s classes and take them as well.


Ever understand something but can’t figure out how to explain to others as well? Well, maybe some of the videos from these sites will help you out! This site contains tons of animated explanations and interactive tutorials.

Khan Academy

A lifesaver during those Calculus semesters. Khan Academy not only provides resources for helping students learn, but they also give plenty of information to help teachers and parents that want to master their own skills of teaching.


Another personal favorite. Udemy is similar to Coursera in which it provides both free and paid content. Udemy allows users to customize which subjects they want to learn in each course.


While many videos exist to entertain, Youtube also has plenty of users who upload work to educate others. If you have something you love that you want to teach the world, upload some videos yourself!

Your own personalized site to share your knowledge

Maybe you want to share your knowledge on your own site? Having your own website as a teacher will allow you to customize the type of knowledge you want to share with your students. Any resource whether its text files, pdf, or videos, you can place on your site for your students to see. With the availability of phones and computers, your students have educational resources right within their fingertips! Contact us if you have any questions or comments on building yourself a site. We also love to share what we know. Make sure to check out our blog for Web and Design related tutorials and more!


Whether you are a teacher in a traditional school setting, or someone teaching to many others over the internet, the love of teaching is special indeed. Thank you, teachers, for being awesome!

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