Why Online Marketing is Important For Small Business

When browsing the net, most people are probably using it to consume entertainment. You can scroll through Facebook or Twitter for hours just to look at funny memes or posts from your friends. But we forget about the potential market of the world wide web, and how marketing your small business online can benefit you. These are some simple ways to help utilize the net to gain a larger audience for your business.


Registering with Google My Business

One of the easiest ways to bring your business to the forefront of the internet is to establish your presence on Google My Business. My Business is where the Google search engine gathers all of its information to describe your business when someone searches for it.

Registering is free, and lets your business show up on google maps. You can also leave important information such as your address, and business hours on My Business as well – and it’s vital this information is accurate since its how the customer will find your business. So having one place to verify all other addresses already gives you a more credible appearance!

The program also allows you to add videos and images of your business and encourages reviews by your customers. Good reviews are a great way to build a credible business. Make sure to thank all of your reviewers, and remember to remain professional when dealing with negative reviews!


Utilizing Social Media

You were probably expecting this one. Almost everyone uses social media in this day and age, but they probably don’t think about how effective it can be for their small business.

Even if you don’t use your social media to advertise your products or services, 67% of consumers use your social media to ask you questions or leave comments.  That means more than likely if your customer has a problem, they will ask you online, but what can they do if your site doesn’t exist? This is even more important if you are targetting younger consumers [18-29 years].

A phone number can suffice, but Nielsen reports almost 33% of your users would rather tweet than call. By satisfying as many customers as possible, you generate a larger audience – especially if they leave a good review! People who read positive social customer care experiences are almost 3 times more likely to recommend the brand. 

Show that you’re there

Social Media and My Business already help you organize your important information. Keep in mind though, you have to keep your social media updated so your clients know there will be a response when they knock at your door. Also, it will help you resolve any issues or negative reviews that may show up. This will show that you care about your image as a business, and can retain it with a professional manner.

Keeping your site updated doesn’t have to be hard. For example, Twitter has an analytics page for its users that display events that are upcoming in the year. You can post about any of these events, and even promote your own products for sales using the page. If you’re a very graphic heavy company, you could utilize sites like Instagram to advertise your photos. We have a lot more information on how to keep your site up and running in great shape, so check out our other blogs if you’re interested!


Maybe you’re looking for something more specific? Or perhaps you need some help focusing your message online? The suggestions above are free, and anyone can register for them. But here at 360 Web Designs, we can help you design a site for your business. If you have any questions or inquiries about what we do, feel free to contact us. 

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