5 Ways To Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO

You always hear about how important it is to have a blog on your website. So you’ve heeded the words and made a blog. But how should you make the blog more SEO friendly? After all, the purpose of your blogs is to not only provide important content but to help you become more visible on the search engines.

Well, there are ways to make your blog more readable to search engine crawlers. These methods also help human readers too!


Having done the proper research for relevant information

Make sure the information you want to share is correct and accurate. Do some research on your topic and make sure you are giving out information that isn’t misleading (you may also learn something new yourself!). Along with this, research topics that you know would be relevant to your site. Some content may be more difficult than others to produce, but it’s important to have your blogs be able something relating to your site. This way, you can share it with your social media pages and make your blog more visible to others. Relevant topics are more likely to be shared by your followers. They follow you for your business or content, so similar content will definitely be in their alleyway! Check out which social media websites are perfect for you!


Proper heading placement

When structuring your blog, make sure to use the headings properly. HTML tags use <h1>,<h2>,<h3> for their headers. If you’re using the visual text box – it will indicate if its a paragraph or a header with actual examples in the drop down. Make sure to have the headers done in order. Once you use heading 1 which is usually for the title of the post. Use headings 2 and then 3 and so on if you need more headers to describe each part of your paragraph. This allows a more natural flow of your information. Large blocks of content should use a larger header, but inside the block, you can use a smaller header to organize your other points before returning to the larger header for a new block. Google loves reading headers and they take priority when top picks are selected on the search engine.


Using YOAST or another SEO plugin for your WordPress site

Make sure you have YOAST or another Seo plugin for your site. This will allow you to install a keyword that helps people find your site. In summary, a good keyword is specific and allows customers to narrow down their search to your site as well as increasing your chances to get a product purchased. Just make sure the keyword isn’t used again for another page on your site – you don’t want two pages competing with each other. If the topic is somewhat similar, use synonyms to replace certain words.


Sensible Permalinks

WordPress also allows you to update your permalinks. Your title should also describe the contents of your blog and so should your permalink. It is the first thing most people look at when reading through their search results. If your posts have already been published, you can redirect the current pages to a new link using a 301 redirect plugin or accessing your .hta.

Also, interlinking and mentioning your own posts in your new post helps your SEO ranking as well. 

Yoast will help make your site more friendly for search engine bots. Search engines would include google, yahoo, bing..etc. By having your headings, titles, and meta description filled out – it will make the web crawlers find your site easier and allow your visitors to understand what your page is for just by reading the preview blurbs on the search site results.


Describe photos that you put in your blog

Lastly, Make sure to optimize any images inside your blog. Make sure to describe the image in its alt text to give search engines an easier time ranking your images as well.


Featured Image by DiggityMarketing 

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