How Blogging Can Help Your Business

In our world today social media is the new way of communication. You may even be able to say that it’s our new language.  The internet is powerful and it is just at the touch of our fingers. Access to it is everywhere and it can be used at any time. Being an active Blogger can help promote your business and help you connect with your customer. Today 360 Web Designs will answer your questions on how blogging can help your business be successful!

So What is a blog and how can it help me?

Let’s start here! What is a blog? A blog is a page on the web that anyone can have easy access to. Blogging is a great tool to start your business. In a blog, you constantly update your customer on what’s new with your business through images, mini write-ups, links to your other social media platform, and most importantly it helps you build a community with your customer. Blogging goes beyond the community you have already built. Since the internet is accessible all over the world this will be the best tool to get your business out there for everyone to see.

There are two types of blogs, personal and business blogs. Personal blogs tend to be opinion posts or links to other articles. A business blog is used to communicate between you and your potential customers ,because it give you the ability to share knowledge about your specific company’s products or services.

According to Darrell Zahorsky, blogs provide a variety of uses, including:

  • Blogging online is very easy to do. Its quick and thoughts and ideas are are easy to record with a few clicks of a button
  • It’s great for SEO, as blogging is one of the best ways to maintain your web presence
  • It allows your company to build trust online, by sharing your expertise on the services or products you provide
  • Blogging is also free tool that you can do on your own or have someone assist you in creating them like 360 web Design can.


How does blogging help me connect with my clients?

Getting to know your customer is the best way to improve your business and to keep it growing. Listening to what the clients want, need, and like is very important. Knowing this information will get you to have new creative ideas,  you will be able to see what is trending at the moment, and being able to communicate within a few minutes on a personal level will even make the experience better for them. Not only just for the customer but for you as well as a business owner.

The idea is to keep your loyal customers happy and to also get new customers. As you connect with your customer the more you will reach your business goals and create new ones. Your goals can be anything like making more revenue, expanding the business, bringing in more employees, etc. The way to keep your business alive to is always engage with your customers by call, email, answering blog post, and asking them questions on the product satisfaction, insight on what they like or dislike on the service you provide.

How can I get traffic to the blog?

Getting traffic into your blog is all about staying up to date and knowledgeable about the current trends of the industry that you are in. Using keywords that are trending will help you bring in traffic to your blog and bring your blog higher in the search engine like Google. By adding them into your blogs description and post will make it easier for you to be found. When getting on a social media platform like Instagram you can look into the Hashtag tab and there you will receive all the trending words of the day that has the most views, tags, comments, likes, etc. but make sure to keep your topic simple and easy to look for.

Using Instagram hashtag feature is a great tool  for you to use. An example of this is when you go onto the tags page on Instagram and type in the word “Blogger” you will receive pictures and videos with that hashtag. Instagram will also show you the hashtags# that relate to that word like #blogs, #lifestyleblogger,# fashionblogger, etc.  By taking the time to look for related topics and using relevant tags it will increase your engagement and exposure. This will also put you into a category and users have the ability to now follow the hashtags.  Another cool feature to Instagram is that you can add a link to your website and tags to your page bio which makes it easier to visit your website.


How can 360 web Designs help you?

We are a team that is here to help you get started! Let us help you to develop your brand, who you are, assist you in creating your logo, web page, and bring your branding and marking ideas come to life. We make it fun and easy for you to get started. We give explanations of the entire process and give you the best tools to succeed. Communication with you is our goal at all times!  Whether you’re a big or small business blogging is for everyone and we are here to help!



Featured Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

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