Keep your business running During Covid-19

This is a stressful time for us all. You may have many concerns about your family’s health and keeping your business running during Covid-19. It’s important to remember that our whole world is in this together! Being negative is easier than stay positive, so what do we do? We stay positive and imagine good energy flowing within our everyday aspects of life. Whether you are at home or still working this time can be used for reflection, new ideas, improvement and so much more. Your time and energy are valuable put it to good use.

Keeping up with your business, no matter if it’s big or small, is important. No matter the situation you are in there are ways to improve your marketing strategy, social media page (start if you don’t have one!), reach out to your clients, start planning for your website, look at the excuses expense of your business and start cutting them down, who are your competitors, and plan. The truth is that we don’t know how long sheltering in place will last for. So, let’s make the best out of it.

Use Social Media

Although this the time of social distancing it doesn’t mean that you literally must be distant from other humans. Social media platforms are a great way to reach out without having to be physically there.  Let your clients know that your business is still here and determined to keep fighting forward. Engage with the audience you have and gather the information that will be beneficial for improvement. Get on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, and other platforms to be more involved. Tell your audience about your business goals, how your business is involved with the community, and the support you want to give them!  Let them know what’s up! Did your company donate time, money, supplies, will you be a part of the movement of reading to their kids (through social media!), let them know and encourage the client to get involved even from home. When the time comes for all of us to be physically near each other your clients will remember how you reached out to them.

New Marketing strategy

Marketing during and after the virus is over is will keep you on track and organized once everything is up and running again. Think about how your business can begin to adapt to changes. What business plan/strategy can start benefiting the business with the coronavirus still in mind.  How can you still deliver your service to others? How is your service still relevant during this time? what challenges are you facing and how to solve them? Start to ask yourself and your team questions like this. Part of marking is also looking at new tools for your business to use from home. do your research on your business market, what the needed niche, and look for tips! It’s possible that it was already time to create a new logo, offer new services or improve them, refine your business model, and Start to think of creative alternatives before canceling all plans or events.

  Who Are your competitors

Who are your competitors? What are they doing that is working or is not working? How are your competitors staying engaged with their clients? Are they creating adds, posts, blogging, going live on social media to with information on how they are helping during this time?  What servi9ce are they providing that’s new? Now that we are all staying at home the internet, T.V and artsy activates are our best friends!  Can you and your competitors come together as a team to support each other? Looking at others can help you come up with new ideas and learn strategies you didn’t know before. Keep a positive attitude and stay ahead of the game with your teammates!


Need some extra motivation?

Here are some motivational quotes to share!

“We may live in an age of instant messaging, instant gratification, and Instagram. But there is no way to short circuit the path to success it takes hard work, tenacity, and patience”
  • Tory Burch
“I don’t believe in perfection. I don’t think there is such a thing. But the energy of wanting things to be great is perfectionist energy”
  • Reese Witherspoon
“we’ll survive
You and I”
  • F Scott Fitzgerald


Also, don’t forget to check out the Lyrid Meteoroids tonight!

Stay safe and Healthy.

Images from Pixabay: coffebeanworks


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