How to Grow Your Social Media Following Organically Part 2

Welcome to part 2! There are many ways you can approach creating a growth strategy. For some, you may already have a good set of followers and for others, you must develop followers who will engage. Now, you may be asking your self what steps can I begin to take to grow organically?


   You may not get quick engagement on all posts. So, you must build and begin to put the business out there. There are many pages that may be similar or the same as what you offer. Looking at who follows them and what they post will give good insight. Aside from looking at your page analytics. Seeing examples from other pages what gets people to follow, like, and the comment will show you what content potential clients will like. Here are a few things you can do to get started:

  1. Follow hashtags that match your page topics
  2. Follow accounts you genuinely like and admire
  3. Give genuine comments and compliments
  4. Start a community by engaging with those who follow you (it can be in the comments or by direct message)



   Every strategy needs to have a goal that is specific and relevant. As the owner, you must know why you are following and creating the steps. Once you have it all clear that is when you clarify to your team what needs to be done and all can get on board!

Here is an interesting acronym I found in another article: S.M.A.R.T

S stands for Specific. Create a goal that states exactly what you want. If you have 100 followers your next goal could be to get 50 to 100 more.

M is for Measurable. Measure out what needs to be done and the resources you will need. (Will you pay for an Ad? How much are you willing to spend?)

A is for Attainable. Your goal must be attainable to you and your team in time and in research. Simple as yes or no.

R is for Relevant. Make sure that the goal is relevant to your business and goals. Will you post about the latest trend and how does it help or relate to your business?

T is for Time-bound. For each goal, there are steps you must take. Each step has a time limit so it is all measured efficiently.

Overall the goals you set for social media should align with your marketing goals and the data you have gathered. All your social media goals and actions should be meaningful and set things into action. Make sure to stay up to date with your insights: check your accounts reach for each post, the day, and time.

Don’t buy your liked or followers. It will not make sense when you don’t see the results and its obvious. When you 5k followers and are only getting less than 100 likes with rare or little interaction it can drive others away. Organic growth takes time but it is worth it.




cr: pixabay artist for illustration and video

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