What Makes a Great Blog?

We have all been told that blogs are important. Why? Well, blogs are a great marketing tack -tic for customer engagement. When you get clients or want to attract them you most definitely want them to spend time on your website. Other than the pages you already have a blog that gives information that’s helpful or may interest them. This is another to get your website out there and make your brand clear. When a search engine like Google goes through your website it will look at the content you offer and compare it to what is being searched for. Since we are a web design company our goal is to provide you with information that will help you grow as a company and keep you up to date with the latest social media platforms and website trends. So, our blogs will be about topics that relate to what can help you grow as a business and website.

To get started:

  1. Pick a topic and research it.
  2. Layout your ideas on paper or digital note pad.
  3. SEO

Pick and Research

Picking a topic is the beginning and can be a challenge. Write blogs that are relevant to your company’s product or service.  Remember that writing is a meaningful tool and that there are many people/clients out there who will appreciate the time you took to share with them. Once you picked a topic have at least two articles to go from. These articles should be informative to you and linked as references within the writing. This makes it so others can see that you did your research and gives you credibility. If you have more resources than fantastic. when picking images you also want to make sure that you give credit to who they belong to.

Writing Layout

The layout of your blog will help you stay organized and keep the writing concise. To start this may mean going back to the basics we learned in school. Use a diagram, brainstorm bullet points, note cards, or anything that will keep the process flowing. You can even use different colored pens, highlighters, stickers, to keep things more visually pleasing for you and easier to see. At times our writing and thinking can get messy and adding notes where ever there is space can become a jumbled mess. In your writing, you can use bullet points, paragraphs, images, and headings to keep organized.  Take notes of what you read that stand out to you. In a way, it’s like writing an essay that you get to set the requirements for.  One thing that I like to do is talk to the reader. The reader is you! Since I am giving you this information we should become acquainted. Keep in mind that you don’t have to write about the same things all the time. Just make sure that it relates and that you are able to organize the topic for all. For your layout, you should have an Introduction, at least 3 main points, 3 bullet points of each main point, and an outro. When its time to start compiling it all together be as descriptive and expressive.


Next is your SEO, Search Engine Optimization, which helps with your ranking. When you are writing with the Yoast SEO plugin it will give you an analysis. What it does is break down for you what is good and what needs improvement. This also requires you to do research on key phrases, which are common and popular words that people search in the search bar.  When you search a topic like COVID- 19 and then narrow it down to a more specific search, Covid-19 California then exact information for California. You will find related articles with highlighted words in bold that can be options for you to use. The great thing about Yoast is that a red, orange, or green light will appear for your key phrases, description, and writing letting you know if you did well or not. The length if the blog doesn’t have to be very long. A good 300 to 500 words will keep readers interested. Yoast word count says that if you are just starting out then a recommended 700 to 800-word count can also be an option. For images, don’t forget your alt-text which is a small description of what the image is for ADA purposes.


how-to-write-a-blog-google-pic-covid-19              how-to-write-a-blog-google

Overall, whichever length you decide to go with it should be the one that you are most comfortable with. Don’t choose quantity over quality. Your readers are also your clients or anyone doing research. Set your goals of when you will post and write. The more you write the more traffic your site will get.  Develop your own style of writing and ask questions that are thought-provoking.  Make sure to share on all social media with a great caption and image.



Image cr: Pixabay and Google search

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