SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Explained

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Explained – SEO is the process of making your website stand out to a search engine by recognizing certain keywords, updated and relevant text, and share-worthy content that will achieve higher rankings in search results.

When it comes to SEO, all search engines are not the same. Google dominates the playing field by a huge margin. 90% of all web searches are on Google when including Google Maps, YouTube, and Google images. That’s almost 20 times both Yahoo and Bing combined. Because of this, the SEO community is mostly focused on Google.

All search engines work through three major avenues: Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking

Crawling is the process the search engines use to find your web pages. The search engines will send out a group of robots (also called spiders and crawlers) to find new as well as recently updated content. Fresh content will classify your site as more relevant than an outdated site. Therefore, it is critical to update your websites often for the search engines to notice you.

Indexing is when search engines compile the information found during the crawling process. Search engines store and organize their information into an index. When a page is in the index (which is a massive database) it can be found in a search inquiry.

Search engine ranking pulls all the newest relevant content to the least relevant content and ranks them in that order. Again, it looks for new and pertinent content. It also looks for keywords that are most used by searchers. Expanding your keywords is one simple way to attract the crawlers to your site and up your ranking.

Lastly, think about your audience. You want to create relevant content that people will want to share on social media. The more people that share your link on their website, the higher your rankings will be. Useful and funny content is typically the most shared on social media. So, consider your audience, get creative and stay updated!

For more information on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) click here

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