Marketing on Social Media During Covid

Marketing on social media during covid has become a lucrative platform for small businesses. With 42% of the U.S. labor force working from home full time, social media is a natural escape for anyone. People are sharing more posts, scrolling upon new ads, and buying online now more than ever. In fact, 97% of all marketers are using social media.

During covid, people have flocked to social media for more than just a quick interactive outlet. It has become their community at large. With an entire year of isolation, people are starving for human connection. This makes social media a great place to have an interactive presence.

Establishing a community of followers with creative marketing, funny and relevant content, starts with your existing clients.

Engage with your clients on their social media platforms. It is a great opportunity for customer service in a more personal way. Let them know you are there for them during this time. Share a blog or article your community will find interesting. Pose questions that will inspire interaction on your post. And don’t be afraid to switch it up occasionally with humor that everyone can relate to. People love to share funny content. Visiting your social media site at least once a day is important for feedback. When clients respond to your post take the time to engage with them.

Marketing on social media is great because of how fast we can respond to change.

Suddenly, the majority of people are stuck at home. So make your brand useful for being housebound. How can your company make their life better in this current situation? Promote your company with a special or one time deal. And as businesses open, make a visit to see how your company can best support them. Times are ever changing and staying attune with your clients needs are invaluable.

Social media is also a great way to share videos and pictures. Whether it be giving helpful tips on how to get through this covid era safely or how your company can enhance their work experience at home. Share any community work you are doing or charity you are supporting. People want to see your humanity real time. Do not be afraid of the camera.

We have a free marketing platform on social media that reaches the world in a moment. Take some time to be creative, sincere and think outside the box. Ask yourself, who your audience is and how your brand can improve their life currently. Lastly, post regularly on social media and join conversations. This is your community to both serve and support as a business and a friend.

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