Branding Your Email Campaign

A strong brand identity is foundational for successful email marketing. This makes branding your email campaign an absolute must. An effective brand creates recognition immediately upon opening the email. Without having to read who the email is from, you know by the colors, fonts, and branding style. Below are some simple and successful ways to put your brand on your emails.

Logo Placement

The first thing you want your reader to notice is your logo. Placing it at the top left corner or the center of your email is the best way to achieve that. You can also add it to your email signature at the bottom of the page so that it is one of the last things the reader sees.

Colors Schemes and Branding

Your color scheme is a very important part of branding your email. It is the visual element that people connect with your brand. Your color palette should be consistent with your website and logo. It is one of the most significant features in the overall appearance of your template.

Font Choices

When choosing a font, start with what is consistent on your website. Consistency is the key to strong branding. However, it is recommended that you use fonts that are web fonts, system fonts, or self-hosted fonts. Otherwise, if your reader opens your email and doesn’t have the font you are using a replacement font will be automatically shown. Keep it simple and stick with one or two fonts only. Too many fonts become a distraction.


Your images should pull the reader in and make a lasting impression. Once again, finding a consistent image style that builds upon your brand is key. You can add product images, employee headshots, wallpapers, all should be cohesive with your color palette and brand. Social media sites are a great place to find images that help with branding.

Social Media Links

Adding social media links to your email makes it easy for the reader to respond to your email. They can quickly gain more information about you, your company, and your products with one click. You can include Facebook, Instagram, Linked-in, YouTube, and any other platform you use. Having a social media presence allows your subscribers to connect with you on a personal level.

Email Marketing Services

Another way to get started on branding your email is to find or create a template. There are email marketing services, such as, Mail Chimp and Constant Contact, that offer free customizable email templates. These are ideal for beginners who don’t want to spend the time learning an extra backend. Once you have created a branded template you can save and copy it until you are ready to use it.


Email is still the communication of choice and the most direct way to connect with someone. You want your email to stand out esthetically. When your color palette, fonts, and images work cohesively together they make a lasting impression of what your brand stands for. Branding your email campaign can take time and thought but it is well worth the effort.


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