Featured Client in August 2021 is Dodie Blomberg!

Every month, 360 WEB DESIGNS features one of our clients. We welcome Dodie Blomberg to the 360 W.D teams. We show their website on our homepage and post the news on our blog and social media accounts. We like to help our clients grow their businesses. Feel free to share on your Social Media!

Our current featured client is DODIE BLOMBERG!

Dodie Blomberg is a passionate and dynamic teacher, parent, and leader who is compelled to make a difference in families, schools, communities, and as a result, the world. Dodie taught fifth grade in a public school for 12 years and knows the gifts and challenges that go along with being in the classroom and in a big school system intimately. When she took her first Positive Discipline Workshop in 1995, it “rocked her world and changed everything”, according to her. She immediately felt the energy shift in her classroom and was inspired to dig even deeper.

Dodie Bloomberg teaching

When she witnessed the power and impact these Positive Discipline tools had on her students as well as her own parenting style, Dodie stepped up in 2004 and began the certification process to become a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer. Seven years later in 2011, she became a Lead Trainer. Ever since, Dodie has been facilitating Positive Discipline parenting classes, teacher trainings, and coaching sessions all over the world. With successful workshops in many American cities, as well as engagements in Spain, France, and China under her belt, Dodie is happy to be spreading the increasingly important message of teaching these essential social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults.

dodie Bloomberg teaching a class

The principles of Positive Discipline have given Dodie a solid foundation and many skills to help her navigate the more challenging points in her own life: children, marriage, social, and business relationships. The basic principles of encouragement, mutual respect, social interest, belonging, and significance, as well as being kind and firm at the same time, have supported and inspired Dodie in all of her relationships. She is a beautiful model of the courage to be imperfect!

Visit her website today!

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