Featured Client in October 2021 is The Law Offices of Donald S. Davidson!

Every month, 360 WEB DESIGNS features one of our clients. We welcome The Law Offices of Donald S. Davidson to the 360 W.D teams. We show their website on our homepage and post the news on our blog and social media accounts. We like to help our clients grow their businesses. Feel free to share on your Social Media!

Don Davidson is a trial lawyer with over thirty years of first-chair experience. He has served as an Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan under Robert Morgenthau, as an Assistant United States Attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice, as a Deputy General Counsel and Senior V.P. at UBS Financial Services, and as a partner with a trio of multinational law firms in New York and San Francisco. While Don loves the challenge and excitement of trial work, he also recognizes that skillful negotiation and settlement are sometimes the best outcome for the client. Regardless of whether the case is to be tried or settled, the path to success always requires hard work, thorough preparation, winnowing the matter to its essence, and creative thinking. Each case, client, and problem are unique, and one size most definitely does not fit all. Rather than taking a cookie-cutter approach, Don follows the unofficial USMC motto: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Let Don Davidson help you solve your legal problem.

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