Featured Client in June 2022 is All About Chinatown!

Every month, 360 WEB DESIGNS features one of our clients. This month our featured client in June 2022 is All About Chinatown! We show their website on our homepage and post the news on our blog and social media accounts. We like to help our clients grow their businesses. Feel free to share on your Social Media!

All About Chinatown Tours is in its 39th year of business. All About Chinatown WebsiteThe owner of All About Chinatown, Linda Lee was born in Chinese Hospital in Chinatown. At age four, Linda began helping her family stamp brochures for their travel agency in Chinatown. Between her life experiences, knowledge, and passion, she has created tour programs that allow people to see an inside view of Chinatown that is like no other.

Their tours include:

  • Daily Tours
  • Dim Sum Luncheon
  • Private Tours
  • Corporate Tours
  • Culinary Tours
  • Scavenger Hunts

Most of their tour guides were born and raised in Chinatown. With a lifetime of experience, they are well-informed, and always excited about sharing their stories. All About Chinatown has been running Chinatown tours since 1983. They know the people, the streets, the restaurants, and the stores. Check out their raved reviews on their website.



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