5 Ways to Prepare for Your First Web Design Meeting

The journey of creating a new website or redesigning one is something that takes time and preparation. However, it can launch your brand ahead of your competitors and is worth the energy. In this post, I am going to give you 5 ways to prepare for your first web design meeting. The more you do ahead of time, the faster the process will be.

What is Your Company’s Story?

Every company has a story that is unique and foundational to its brand. Think about specific descriptive words that would reflect the heart of your company. Words that describe your brand and style. This will help your design team get a better feel for how your website should look and feel. People want to know who you are and how they can relate to you.

Who is Your Audience?

Put yourself in the position of the audience that is seeking your services and ask yourself these questions:

  • What will they really want to know about you?
  • How is your company a better choice than your competitors?
  • Think of the navigation for your main header. How can you make it as clear and functional as possible?

Make a Plan for Your Content

If you are redesigning your website, you have the option of transferring your current content or adding to what you already have. But if you are building a new website you will need to create it. Excellent content is foundational to expressing both who you are and the services you offer.

In-house writing is more budget-friendly and depending on how specific your company is, can make more sense. For example, a company that specializes in sheet metal may be more difficult for the average writer to articulate the terminology. However, for an extra fee, a professional writer knows how to create content that is written with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. This ensures that your website will be found on Google’s search page.

Before your first meeting, it is recommended that you think about the areas of content you will need. Typically, you are looking at 3-7 pages depending on your product and services. These pages include:

  • About Us Page
  • Services Pages
  • Products Pages

Who Are Your Competitors?

Make a list of at least 2 or 3 competitor websites to share with your designer. Together you can go through them and share what you like or dislike about them. Think about what they lack that you want and what they have that you appreciate. The goal is to move you ahead of the competition with a well-functioning current website.

This is a great chance for you to explore different websites in general and share what you like and don’t like about them. Your design team can then get a feel for what you are envisioning.

After the Launch Who Will Maintain Your Website?

Websites require regular maintenance. Whether you are updating staff members, adding testimonials, or writing blogs, there is a need for regular maintenance. Not to mention, updating WordPress or plug-ins, which keep your website from crashing over time. Who will update the content, the web designer, or an employee?

In Conclusion

Your new or redesigned website should draw in business with creative photography, engaging content, and the most current design. We here at 360 Web Designs specialize in just that! We will thoroughly walk you through the process in a seamless way. It is our desire to create a website that brings your brand to life.


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