Can I Skip My Blog Post?

The Excuse

Today I woke up with an out of wack back, itchy allergy eye, and the low energy blues. We sat in funky chairs for a way too long school function last night, and had dinner at 11 pm. Is this a good excuse to not write my blog this week? Already a day late, so maybe just this week we could do without the regular tips and website info from 360 WEB DESIGNS.

web design | blog writingThere is this little angel on one shoulder saying “Oh my, Little Dumpling, you must not waiver. People are trusting you for this regular blog post!” On the other shoulder, you know who has jammed his pitchfork in my upper back and is just laughing. My resolve to just sit down and tool out this post comes with the knowledge that Big Brother, or Google, is always watching. Here are some reasons to not give in to the urge to skip the post.

web design | blog writing

8 Little Angels Sitting on My Shoulder

  1. Once leads to twice.
  2. Twice leads to guilt.
  3. Guilt leads to writers block.
  4. Trust building with followers. I enjoy the blogs that I follow. I trust that they are going to show up on time every week.
  5. That potential client may show up when I am not there.
  6. Self education – research for blogs is like taking a mini educational course in the topic.
  7. Keywords in help customers find my business
  8. Google algorithms* – great content with REGULARITY

*First Page Sage by Evan Bailyn  – “There is probably no subject we write about as frequently as the importance of publishing excellent quality posts weekly. That’s partially because ghostwriting best-in-class content is what our company does for a living. But it’s also because people don’t seem to fully get it. Many people think content marketing – the regular publication of reasonably good content on a blog – is all you need to rank. In fact, content marketing is useless more times than not. But creating the best piece of content on the Internet about a given subject, and doing so with regularity – a process known as thought leadership –  is the most valuable online marketing strategy we know of. Google feels the same way; it eats up excellent content within hours of the time it is published, rewarding the businesses that post it.”

Blogs by Boo

If you know that your business and customers would benefit from tips and event postings, but you hate to write, or just can’t take the time, hire a ghost writer. A professional writer will be diligent. They will interview you for your knowledge, research new topics for you business, and take a load off your shoulders. Even a recent college graduate may be interested in blogging for you…just make sure that they will stay dedicated. The ROI on blogging takes about a year to see in analytics, so commit to that much at least.

Blog Writing Remedy

So the pitchfork in my back has loosened up, and my itchy eyes are a bit more clear. The thought of skipping my post may have attributed to the mornings angst. And while I could have gone for the pain meds, just forging through the words may have been the best remedy to the “Can I Skip My Blog Post” blues.


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