Become an accessible and trustworthy platform. 

At 360 Web Designs, we’re committed to building visually stunning websites that comply with the latest legal standards for web accessibility and data protection. Our web compliance services currently focus on applying widely accepted ADA standards and HIPAA safeguards for website owners that know the benefits of each.

These are services are separate.

  • If you have a website that manages or communicates protected health information,click here to jump to the HIPAA compliance section of this page.

  • If you’re curious whether your website meets current ADA requirements, continue reading to see how our team can help.


Any website can
be subject to a demand
letter or lawsuit for ADA violations.

What is an ADA-Compliant Website?

An ADA-compliant website follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These guidelines were crafted to make sure that individuals with disabilities—whether they have visual, auditory, cognitive, or physical impairments—can effectively perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with your site. Let’s discuss how our team at 360 Web Designs prioritizes the concept of accessibility when building a new website.

Why Should I Consider the Accessibility of My Website?

ADA-Compliant Websites Reduce Legal Risks. Accessibility lawsuits have steadily risen since 2018, targeting businesses of all sizes. UsableNet’s 2024 Mid-year report revealed that 75% of ADA lawsuits were filed against companies with less than $25M in revenue, highlighting the importance of small businesses to be proactive.

Inclusive Web Design Benefits Everyone. We design websites with the disabled community in mind. Why? Because designing websites for people with visual impairments, for example, enhances the experience for all users. Think about digital elements like closed captions and dark mode, that we all get to appreciate from time to time. These concepts originated from accessible web practices.

Improved Accessibility Expands Your Customer Base. We adopt ADA standards like color contrast, image alt text, accessible hyperlinks, proper information structures, and consistent navigation. This ensures your business is accessible to a broader audience.

Let’s look at ADA solutions that can suit your website and its users

ADA Solutions

During design phase, our designers and programmers make mockups with crucial ADA guidelines in mind.   Meeting these best practices is a part of our process. This can look like increasing text size, or incorporating appropriate contrast of color ratio that low-vision users or those with color blindness have difficulty reading. It can also apply to having up-to-date header elements and a consistent, logical information hierarchy.

We also ensure well-written alt-tags for all website media, such as images and videos. Our responsive design practices enable our websites to be viewed whether from Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet screens.  

A La Carte 
  • Accessibility Widget
  • Accessibility Checker
  • Accessibility Audit
  • Accessibility Report
Custom ADA Package Example

1.   Accessibility Checker
2.   Accessibility Widget
3.  Accessibility Monitoring

  • Diagnose Compliance Violations 
  • Install Leading Accessibility Plugin
  • Scheduled Monitoring to Find and Fix Emerging Violations


Protecting Your

HIPAA compliant graphic
What is HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a US federal law that enacts national standards to safeguard sensitive patient health information, ensuring it is adequately protected and only disclosed under appropriate circumstances.

How does this relate to your website?

Given the rising number of healthcare cyber-attacks, data breaches are a significant concern for healthcare providers, health plans, medical intermediaries, and business associates. Ensuring your website is equipped with the necessary HIPAA safeguards can substantially transform the security of confidential information relating to patient health.

Let’s look at what plan works best for your business and its security

HIPAA Services

360 Web Designs’ HIPAA-compliant websites are devised to protect protected health information (PHI) from unauthorized access by implementing security and privacy measures. Consider your security and data protection needs. We can help you build a HIPAA-compliant website through the following solutions with our trusted 3rd party partner.

A La Carte 
  • Infrastructure Security
  • Authentication
  • Secure Web Forms
  • Data Encryption
  • Backups
  • SSL Certification
  • Cookie Policy Widget
Custom HIPAA Package Example
  1. Dedicated Web Server
  2. Secure Web Forms
  3. Data Encryption
  4. Scheduled Database Backups
  • Utilize Dedicated Servers to Host Your Website
  • Ensure Web Forms are Protected with SSL Certificates to Encrypt Data transmissions
  • Protocols for Regular Backups and Secure Archival of Critical Data

I had the pleasure of working with team at 360 Web Design to complete my website design and implementation. They were fantastic to work with, very knowledgeable, professional, and timely. I love the end result and I can't wait to see how the finished product increases business moving forward.

Steve Glover

ASD Woodworks

Interested in building a more capable website?

Contact Us for more information.

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