Hosting & Maintenance

Speed, Security and Performance.
Essential Services You Can Depend On.


Stay Supported with 
360 Web Designs Hosting

360 Web Designs offers powerful and affordable managed web hosting services. Website hosting is a necessary service that lets you put your website on the Internet so people can visit it at any time of the day. Think of it as renting space on a computer (called a server) that is always open for business (online) and storing all the websites’ data and files. We offer unmanaged, standard hosting plans and managed, customizable hosting and maintenance plans. 

Why choose Managed over Unmanaged Hosting?
In essence, managed hosting means that your provider handles maintenance and management for you, whereas unmanaged hosting grants you full responsibility for these tasks. The key differences between managed and unmanaged hosting are the level of technical support and server management offered when you decide to hire a managed hosting provider like us!

360 Web Designs’ managed hosting service is comprehensive, taking care of technical tasks such as the following:

  • Server maintenance
  • Security updates
  • Scheduled backups
  • Technical support

On the other hand, our unmanaged hosting plan offers clients more control and a more budget-friendly price. This route requires the client to handle all server aspects, including the tasks stated above, which are typically assigned to experienced website managers with the technical expertise necessary to deal with challenges efficiently and effectively.

Team with us. We’ll manage your hosting operations without a hitch.

computer with toys for maintenance


We’re Here to  Lighten Your Load with Website Maintenance.


Managing a website can be challenging due to the need for ongoing updates, performance issues, and security vulnerabilities. Website maintenance is essential to keeping your business’s online presence up to par with the competition, but these tasks can be time-consuming.

That’s where 360 Web Designs comes in. Our skilled team offers dependable WordPress Website Management and Maintenance services, allowing you to focus on your business priorities instead of website concerns.

Routine Website Maintenance;
Verifiable Business Quality

In just .05 seconds, users form judgments about your website—i.e., business. Therefore, if your site fails to load correctly, displays outdated content, or contains simple spelling errors, the consequences on customer acquisition are swift. A report found that 88% of customers who experience one negative encounter on a website are less likely to return. This piece of data underscores the importance of website maintenance, as it directly impacts customer retention. We provide routine upgrades that will prevent people from having a negative experience.

Website Maintenance Costs

The cost of website maintenance depends on the size and functions of your website and the services included in the maintenance package you choose.

Key Maintenance tasks

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
-Abraham Lincoln

A woman reading and typing brail on her keyboard
Here are key areas we address so you don’t have to:
  • Slow Site Speed—A fast-performing website is vital. It keeps the user engaged longer. It’s also a key component for Google ranking your site for search engine results pages.
  • Broken Links—Broken links can hurt your SEO rankings and negatively affect the user experience.
  • Backing Up Files—Conducting regular backups reduces the risk of losing data due to natural disasters, domain issues, cyber-attacks, accidental file deletion, or other unfortunate events.
  • Updating Plugins and Software—Nothing a hacker loves more than a site without updated plugins and software. Being up to date with the current versions is crucial for website security. Outdated versions can also create glitches, slowdowns, and freeze-ups.
  • Misspellings—Grammatical errors and misspellings can send your bounce rates through the roof. They give the impression that your brand lacks credibility. It’s our duty to spot and correct grammar uh-ohs efficiently and effectively!
Worth the Upkeep

Consistent website maintenance is essential for fulfilling your broader business goals. Whether your website is brand new or recently revamped, there are always opportunities for improvement.

Let’s look at what hosting and maintenance plan works
best for your business

Website Hosting & Maintenance Plans
Unmanaged Hosting Plan
  • PHP version upgrades
  • MySQL database backups and upgrades
  • 1 GB of space
  • 5 GBs of Bandwidth
Managed Hosting & Maintenance Plan

Managed Hosting plans consist of the unmanaged hosting plan features plus the following:

  • Scheduled Backups
  • WordPress updates
  • Security updates 
  • Plugin updates
  • Analytics Reports
  • Minor text and image updates
  • Link repair and replacement
  • Email and/or phone support
  • Calendar and event updates
Customized Bundles

Customized plans consist of Managed Plan features plus the following:

I had the pleasure of working with team at 360 Web Design to complete my website design and implementation. They were fantastic to work with, very knowledgeable, professional, and timely. I love the end result and I can't wait to see how the finished product increases business moving forward.

Steve Glover

ASD Woodworks

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Contact Us Today for more information about our hosting and maintenance packages.

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