Our Featured Client for November 2023 is QDM Construction!

Every month at 360 Web Designs, we spotlight one of our clients as they make waves in their industry with a fresh website and improved online presence. This November 2023, we’re thrilled to feature QDM Construction! We showcase their newly launched website on our company homepage and post the news on our blog and social media platforms. Our mission? To champion our clients and amplify their impact. Join us in spreading the word on your social media platforms!

QDM Construction .com Now Live!

The launch of QDM Construction’s New Website is exciting news. This is the family-owned business’s first-ever website, and our team at 360 Web Designs took great care in creating an elegant, straightforward, and simple website that brings the QDM personality to life.

With every website that we build, the color palette is a critical consideration. This website’s palette was based on the QDM Construction logo, designed by our Creative Director, Annette Frei Designs. Annette remarks that,

“Color is everything! Well, not quite, but color sends a message to the brain, giving it cues for a quick judgement upon the first impression. Choosing colors that match the industry, the company mission, and the company values is one of the first things to consider when doing brand work. The palette, a group of tints, shades, and contrasting colors to the main color choice, is important because the brand is much more than just the logo. The palette brings in colors that complement the overall design even if they are not used in the logo. For example, a shade of blue may go well on the website with an orange logo. The blue does not compete. Instead, it helps the logo stand out. In the QDM website, there is a very pale blue/green/gray that drops back and supports and enhances the orange logo.”

360 Web Designs hero image design for QDM construction

Another influential detail that can make or break a website is the photographs chosen. High-resolution images are crucial to engage your visitors because, well, we are visual creatures! The photos embedded into QDM Construction’s website are an excellent example showing the importance of using crisp, clear images to reinforce the services or products your company provides.

QDM Construction offers kitchen and bathroom remodels, door and window repair and installation, and typical and complicated local home improvement services like outdoor deck and structure repair, staircase remodeling, and fireplace construction. Take a peek at their project gallery, and you’ll be able to see the detailed craftmanship yourself!

Quality Does Matter

Equally important, the four-person team carries out their work with the guideline that Quality Does Matter. Quentin McCurdy and his wife, Carri McCurdy, established the company with their son Alex in 2003. With time, “they added their long-time family friend, Gene Anderson, to the team, making it stronger than ever.”

360 web designs homepage design for QDM construction

360 Web Designs’ Website Design Highlights

  • Micro animations that are engaging but not overwhelming!
  • A simplified header that reduces clutter and increases elegance.
  • Beautiful photographs that are relevant to what the business provides.
  • Easy to read font!

Get in Touch

360 Web Designs is an Award-Winning Web Development and Design company based in Dublin, CA. Whether you’re reaching out to new audiences or nurturing established relationships, we’ve got the web design finesse to elevate your brand.

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