Using Pictures From The Internet

Why can’t I just copy and paste a photo I find on the internet into my web page, blog post, or Social Media post?

Let’s say your business is building custom motorcycles. You need all sorts of parts to complete the job. Whenever you go out in public and see a motorcycle, you go up to it and remove and take any parts of that bike that you need for yours. How long before you end up in jail? Now, since the internet allows you to secretly steal a photograper’s work, does that make it any less illegal? NO!! The person that created that graphic, or shot that photo is in business. They need to sell their product to pay the rent. Please DO NOT copy and paste photos that you have not paid for into your blog, website or Social Media.

In fact, the Guardian newspaper lists 10 Bogus Excuses People Use When Stealing Photos From the Internet.

There ARE some free photos if you know where to look. has public domain, or free, photos available alongside of the stock photos that you pay for. Just be careful you don’t get sucked into a pay site unless it is one you are willing to pay for. In reality, many of the stock photography companies are not expensive at all. has a list of Free Public Domain image sources.

So be aware, be honest, and support the Arts by abiding by the copyright laws we all benefit from.


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