Why Fix It If It Is Not Broken

Question from a local business owner: I haven’t done anything to my website in years, and it is still working fine. Why change it if it is not broken? I am not getting business from the website anyway.

You may think it is working for you, but here are some reasons to think about a new website:

  1. Security – With hackers trying to pry into websites daily to use the site for spamming or the dark web, it is crucial to do backups and updates on your site. With our custom built WordPress websites and our maintenance program, we set up sites with a security certificate and do WP updates as often as they come out.
  2. Google Rankings ¬– When users do a search online, your business may not be showing up in the first few pages of results. Statistics show that the majority of searchers will move on if they don’t find what they are looking for in the first two pages. 360 Web Designs uses a great optimization tool to help bring your site up in the rankings, moving you closer to that first page that will grab the viewer.
  3. Mobile Device Usage – People are using their smart phones to do the majority of business transactions, including choosing a business or product, making appointments, and doing research. If you have to zoom in to see website text, that is your first clue that it is not mobile friendly, nor responsive. People make decisions on first impressions, and if your website is hard to read, is not mobile friendly, or looks dated, customers move on quickly. Our websites are professional, and responsive to all devices

With a clean professional website from 360WD, good content, Search Engine Optimization, and social media, your website should start working for you.

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