Google’s Helpful Content Update 5 Things to Know

Google’s helpful content update finished rolling out on September 9th, 2022. This is one of the most significant algorithm shifts in over a decade. In the past, many Google algorithms are applied on a page-by-page basis, but this particular algorithm update is sitewide.

What is Google’s Helpful Content Update?

The helpful content update identifies content that is unhelpful to those who are doing searches. For instance, if you are googling “How to post a blog”, and the article you find leaves you with more questions than answers, that is unhelpful. Sites that have a lot of content have primarily been written to appease Google for higher rankings but are considered unhelpful content.  This update is Google’s way of ensuring original, useful, and valuable content that is written with a people-first approach.

People-first Content

Content writers have learned to write for SEO and search engine rankings. What they have lost is the creativity to write to people and for people. Not only has the content become unhelpful, but rather uninteresting. People want to connect with someone who has experience with what they are writing about.

Focusing on a people-first approach leaves the reader feeling satisfied with their questions answered. This requires first-hand knowledge that comes from having used a product or experienced a service.

The helpful content update is Google’s way of rewarding authentic and useful content over writing for a search engine. Here are questions to think about when using a people-first approach:

  • Is your content filled with first-hand experience or knowledge?
  • Would the reader come away feeling like they learned something new?
  • Do you answer questions the reader would have sought your site out for?

Avoid Writing for Search Engines

There has been a direct correlation between writing for search engines and unsatisfying content. However, SEO is easy to apply to the people-first approach. Here are some questions to ask yourself to recognize if you are writing for a search engine:

  • Are you writing to a particular word count that Google has preferred?
  • Do you summarize other writers’ content without any originality of your own?
  • Have you added an abundance of transition words because Math Rank suggests it?

Who Does this Impact?

Google stated this update will primarily impact these types of content:

  • Online educational material
  • Shopping
  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Tech-related content

The content on these sites has been written to appeal to search engines.

Removing Unhelpful Content

According to Google, “Any content – not just helpful content on sites determined to have relatively high amounts of unhelpful content overall is less likely to perform well in Search, assuming there is other content elsewhere from the web that’s better to display. For this reason, removing unhelpful content could help the rankings of your other content.”

Removing content that isn’t useful for someone who’s visiting your site is a good place to start. For instance, I work for a website design company, and posts about make-up or hair products wouldn’t be helpful to someone looking for a website. Removing posts that have no relationship to your company can help your rankings instantly. Keep your content focused on what a person is searching your company out for.


Algorithms are changing all the time. This update is a great way to narrow your focus on the content you are creating. With experience and knowledge, your content is stronger and more fulfilling to the reader. Know your audience and write content that would be relevant to them and your website.


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