When Should I Hire a Writer for my Blog?

When creating a website, customers sometimes decide to write the content themselves to save money. We all took English in high school, right. We all have to write reports and resumes and letters in our adult life, so how hard could it be?

College Level Writing Skills

For some, it is not hard at all. They know what they want to say and have a knack for doing it with confidence. They follow the rules, using keyword-rich paragraphs, create links to other pages, and find photos to match the content. They could do it as a career. What I hear from this group goes something like this, “It is taking so much time that I don’t have time for my real job.” Figuring in research time, writing 300 – 400 words per page, and editing, multiplied by the number of pages in the site can overwhelm even a great writer, who happens to already have a full-time job.

Mediocre Writing Skills

The second group of business owners who decide to write have all the information and want to keep costs down. They don’t love writing, and while they have mediocre skills, most pages will end up needing edits. Friends may be able to proofread for small edits, but even a close friend may not be willing to rearrange text.

“I Can’t Write” Skill Level

This group hates writing and does not want to pick up the pen at all. They put forward a clear message that this is not their best suit, so they ask their sister or nephew to do it for them. Six months later, the content is not complete and family frustrations are mounting.

Save Me Money, Hire a Writer

This client knows the value of his time. Time and money best spent can create huge cost savings, and hiring a writer can do both. This business owner knows his time constraints and strengths. He realizes that bringing in a professional will save time. A professional writer knows how to quickly pen content with accuracy and flair. He knows an experienced writer can even help him make money. How so? Using service or product pages as an example, a writer can craft enticing descriptions that will lead customers to the sale. They can help set up a pricing page structure which is easy to understand. Customers love “easy”. And by the mere fact that there is good grammar and no typos show that the company is professional and takes all aspects of the business serious.


In the web development business, we have heard and seen it all. And we can, and do, find solutions. 360 WEB DESIGNS will work with our customers at whatever level they are.

Our writers can:

  • take over for a client who has become overwhelmed with the lack of time
  • proofread and give feedback
  • edit and rearrange text into the more eloquent copy
  • interview and create content using keyword rich-text
  • take on a few pages or the whole site content writing job
  • work with owners to create the best wording for pricing and services


Other Writing Projects Your Web Marketing Strategy May Need:

  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • LinkedIn Summary
  • Articles
  • Bios


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