The importance of a terms of service for your website

Also known as Terms of Services (ToS). This is probably one of the most seen acronyms by the human eye. (No one reads them though. Well, there probably is that one guy.) We’ve all seen the pop up for agreeing to a ToS whenever we sign up for something and download an app. Terms of Services are long, and they are annoying. But the importance of terms of service within the online landscape of the internet has meaning. There is a reason why almost every site has terms and conditions on their page.

Many businesses nowadays use their online presence to sell products to their customers through a website. So it is important for the business to lay out a contract of how a user is managed on the site.

Terms of Service is a contract between the site and the user on privacy rights

Terms of Services are used to introduce the website’s legal rules. They tell the user who is using the website how their information is stored, shared, and protected and many other rules about applications on their sites.

The importance of terms of service is how the user can protect their own information, or know what is done with it.

Personal information can include:

  • Name(s)
  • Birthdate
  • Email Address(es)
  • Shipping Address(es)
  • Phone number(s)
  • Social Security
  • Bank Details
  • Pretty much anything you share on a website can end up recorded

A ToS can include a Privacy Policy. The privacy policy will discuss to the user what kind of information it stores on the site if you hand any over. It will also discuss whether it keeps the information for itself, and how long it keeps a record of your information. Some sites sell your information to third-party markets. Third-party applications such as Google maps will also collect user info. Adsense, applications by twitter or facebook – All of this must be informed to the user in their Terms and Conditions.

For example, if you can create an account on a site, do you know whether or not the site permanently deletes your account when you ask or does it archive it as inactive for later use? Only the ToS can tell you that. This is why the terms of service are important.


Protect your content on your website with terms of service

Not only does the ToS protect the user, but it also allows the website to indicate protections over its content. Website owners can indicate protection over their logos, the design of the website, and other related content. Photographers and artists can use sites to display their works as a portfolio. Having terms and conditions that the site content is protected is one way to protect content theft. This can also include written content and videos produced as well.


ToS will help build trust with your audience

A site that lays out the ground rules for both the owner and the users. This will help build confidence with your audience. Like having an SSL Certificate on your site, being aware of what your site’s intentions are shows that you are serious about your responsibilities with your customer’s information and take accountability for your online presence and any content you provide. Even if the visitor to your site does not read your ToS, by having it available on your site – it will help you solve any disagreements or disputes you have in the future when related content on your site.

Don’t collect information on your users? Well, you can just put that in your policy as well. 


If you are unsure about how to start setting up your terms and conditions, make sure to seek legal advice to see what you require. You can also look up how others set up their own policies as well.






Featured Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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