Ways to Maintain Your WordPress Site

Once you have a website up and running, you still need to make sure it is properly updated on a regular schedule. It might seem annoying, especially when the plugins you install are constantly telling you to update or that your WordPress site needs to go to the newest version.

Sometimes, an update will break your site or give you a glitchy page – so why bother?

Some of the reasons to maintain your WordPress site includes:

  • Security – the biggest reason to update your site. Many plugins will need updating to install a security patch that your current plugin needs.
  • SEO – An outdated site will show up lower in search engine listings. Sometimes not updating will have search engines like Google set your site as inactive and push it down the ladder.
  • Speed – Updates can include more efficient ways to load your site. Great for SEO and Customer satisfaction.


Not to mention, an outdated site makes it harder for your visitors to navigate around your site. Of course, having incompatible plugins with your WordPress site will also result in frustration.

Back up your WordPress site before updating anything

You can either make a backup through your web host’s Cpanel or install one of the many backs up tools that WordPress has in their plugin section. Simply install and activate and the plugin should have further instructions on what to do. Some examples of back up plugins are BackitUp, BackWPup, or Jetpack.

Backing up your site allows you to save all the information that is stored on your site in case something happens to it. While many website server hosts do keep backups of your site, they don’t always – so make sure to have a copy(or two) on hand in case you need them.

So even if you don’t plan on updating anything (yet!), its good to back up your site regularly. Don’t lose all your hard work on your blogs because you forgot to back up your site!


You know your site best, so check in on it often

You will be more likely to notice that something is off on your site than someone who has seen it for the first time. This can range from wonky movements of your navigation bar to noticing pages or images that weren’t on your site last time you checked. Run your site name through the Google search engine and see what shows up. Try it on your home computer, and maybe in incognito mode.

  • Check out your site speed on Google Insight. Has your site slowed down a lot recently compared to older speeds? You may have unwanted traffic moving through your site for malicious purposes.
  • Do you have extra User Accounts floating around on your site? Check to make sure that you made those accounts. Also, try not to use Admin as a username account – this will help protect your WordPress site from hackers.
  • Use Plugins like WordFence to scan your site for security threats. WordFence will keep you updated on outdated plugins, and if certain plugins have had a recent exploit in their code.
  • Test your contact forms. Even if you haven’t touched them, they can be externally affected – through host security, or email security. Outside of social media, many customers will contact businesses through their webpage.


Keep your site clean and organized

Outside of updating WordPress, your theme, and your plugins – you should also try to keep your site free of clutter. Even though the site is in a virtual container, it still has a virtual table that can run out of space.

  • Make sure to inactivate and delete any unused plugins. Not only is this good for security, but a site bloated with plugins will slow it down.
  • This goes for your media files as well. Delete duplicated or unused images. Make sure all current use media have are optimized for SEO and have alt-text inserted where needed.
  • Some files like videos can be really straining on your server – upload those to Vimeo and youtube instead of your WordPress site to save load times.


Maintaining your WordPress site not only helps keep your content and site looking fresh, but protects your site from malicious activity. It will boost your SEO as well as give your audience an easier time on your website. Still not sure on what to do or just don’t have the time? 360 Web Designs also offers a maintenance program in case you ever need help with managing your site. We will be happy to assist you!





Featured Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

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