What I Need to Design Your Website

Starting the task of new website design and development can be daunting, but at 360 WEB DESIGNS, the team is ready to take you through step by step to completion. We offer packages for a number of components to help ease the load on business owners who value their time and want to delegate some of the content procurement.

Since it is the brand of the company we want to expose to the viewer, it is imperative that a representative from your company provides us with information. One of the first items in the list of what we need from you is to fill out the Discovery Document. The Discovery Document tells us what styles, colors, and features represents the company moving forward. Part of the document needs to be completed within the first three days, so the team can create a set of home page mock-ups.

Discovery Document includes questions about:

  • Three to five websites you like, with what you like and don’t like about them.
  • Local competitor sites with notes about what you like and don’t like.
  • A current site domain name or new domain name.
  • Current hosting information.
  • The color palette you’d like for your new site. This should include the main color, a secondary color, and accent color.
  • Email information – What is the new email that you would like to use for contact forms?
  • Current Logo and branding notes.
  • Main Services of the business to feature on the website.
  • What features you need on your site – Facebook/Blog feed, Partners, Document upload, eCommerce, Employee/Client Portal, Job Postings…
  • Page content – this includes text and photos unless 360WD is contracted to provide.

360 WEB DESIGNS is always available to answer questions about the Discovery questions.

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