Networking Matters-Connections in a Digital Age

A Two Way Street

You have your brand new website, but you may feel like you are not receiving new customers. Just having a website doesn’t necessarily mean your business will generate customers. Yes, all the search engine optimization is there. Yes, the website looks beautiful and stunning. The website is ready to work with you and give your business the boost you need. The question is: are you willing now to work with your website? Let your website work with you, and you work with it. There are many ways to keep your page at the top of the game, as well as ways for you to build your business.

Getting Out There

In this day and age, everything seems like it’s being done on the internet or over the phone. But, sometimes the old ways are better ways. Old fashioned networking still is the best way to meet potential business clients or customers. It creates a real personal connection, something that is much more memorable than via phone or online. It puts a name and face behind the business and gives you a competitive edge over other businesses. Yes, it takes time to network, but putting the time in the process is necessary and makes for a more rewarding connection. Here are some very simple ideas that you can expand on:

  • Always, always, always keep business cards on hand! Make sure they look professional and beautiful, and best represent your business. You never know when OR where you will meet a potential client.
  • Go to Networking Events – YES, it is still important to go to them! Networking events are still a great way to meet people to help grow your business or a variety of different other opportunities.
  • Be CONFIDENT – Don’t worry, I suffer from this problem as well. Being confident in yourself and your business will show itself to others, and make the interaction memorable.
  • Selling Yourself – Remember you are selling yourself as well, not just your business. You are “selling” yourself as part of a product or service that your business offers. This might mean that you have to be “someone you’re not”. This is where the confidence comes in! I truly believe in the phrase “fake it until you make it”. It’s cheesy, but it works. Not only that, but it will improve your personal life as well.

How to Network

You’re probably asking yourself, “How would I go out and network?”. There are many different ways to approach this problem, but I will list a few easy ways in which to make you the most memorable you can be.

  • No Ulterior Motives – Treat a networking event like you are going to a party to have a good time. If you do, you probably will! Don’t feel like you have to put a business card in everyone’s hand or talk to every person that you meet. Just go out to have fun, and enjoy the process! You will see that because of that, others will have more fun too and want to talk to you.
  • Planning – Know what your business can do and accomplish for your customers and clients. Outline what you want to talk about with clients so that you’re not unprepared. But on the other hand, you don’t want to sound scripted either. Be flexible, and figure out how you can help a potential client.
  • Don’t take it personal – Be open to people, and people will be more open to you. Honesty is always the best policy, and being friendly and sincere makes you memorable. Bring others to the discussion, and see how all potential business clients might be able to help each other. If you are only looking for success in your own business, you won’t get anywhere.
  • LISTEN – I cannot stress this enough. You might be tempted to only want to get your “five cents” in the conversation. But the reality is that by doing so, you will be able to see what each person representing their businesses have to offer each other AND you.
  • FOLLOW THROUGH – If you say you are going to get in touch with them, DO IT. If you promised to introduce someone to another person you know, DO IT. It doesn’t take too long to send an email or a quick phone call to check in on the people you want to connect with. People will appreciate it, and YOU for making the effort.
  • BELIEVE! –  Synchronistic things can happen when you help others. Being selfless and caring is important, as it will show that you are willing to be there for people when others will not. This will gravitate people not only to your business but to you as well.


Your website is a beautiful representation of your business and yourself. Now go act like it! Your confidence and charisma will reflect the professionalism of your website. and show to people that you care, and mean business. It will leave you feeling empowered, but not arrogant. You’ll feel like a superhero, coming to the aid of people in need! Your business will only succeed when you believe you can succeed. Your website will show to all that you are ready to take on the world, and be the very best business it can be! We hope that you feel empowered by reading our blog. Please remember that 360 Web Designs is happy to help with a variety of web design and marketing tools. We offer custom websites, mobile-friendly websites, logo design and branding, SEO implementation, and much more!

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